Magnum namespace
Root namespace.
Contains classes for interacting with OpenGL.
This library is built as part of Magnum by default. To use this library with CMake, you need to find the Magnum
package and link to the Magnum::Magnum
find_package(Magnum REQUIRED) # ... target_link_libraries(your-app Magnum::Magnum)
See Downloading and building and Usage with CMake for more information.
- namespace Audio
- Audio playback.
- namespace BulletIntegration
- Integration with Bullet Physics.
- namespace DartIntegration
- Integration with DART Dynamic Animation and Robotics Toolkit.
- namespace DebugTools
- Debug tools.
- namespace Extensions deprecated
- Compile-time information about OpenGL extensions.
- namespace GL
- OpenGL wrapping layer.
- namespace Math
- Math library.
- namespace MeshTools
- Mesh tools.
- namespace OpenDdl
- OpenDDL parser.
- namespace OvrIntegration
- Integration with the Oculus SDK (LibOVR)
- namespace Platform
- Platform-specific application and context creation.
- namespace Primitives
- Primitive library.
- namespace SceneGraph
- Scene graph library.
- namespace Shaders
- Builtin shaders.
- namespace Shapes
- Shape library.
- namespace Text
- Text rendering.
- namespace TextureTools
- Texture tools.
- namespace Trade
- Data format exchange.
- namespace Ui
- UI library.
template<class T>class AbstractResourceLoader
- Base for resource loaders.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions, class T>class Array
- Array.
template<class T>class Array1D
- One-dimensional array.
template<class T>class Array2D
- Two-dimensional array.
template<class T>class Array3D
- Three-dimensional array.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions>class CompressedImage
- Compressed image.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions>class CompressedImageView
- Compressed image view.
- class CompressedPixelStorage
- Compressed pixel storage parameters.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions, class T>struct DimensionTraits
- Matrix and vector specializations for given dimension count.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions>class Image
- Image.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions>class ImageView
- Image view.
- struct NoCreateT
- No creation tag type.
- class PixelStorage
- Pixel storage parameters.
template<class T, class U = T>class Resource
- Resource reference.
- class ResourceKey
- Key for accessing resource.
template<class... Types>class ResourceManager
- Resource manager.
- struct Sampler deprecated
- Texture sampler.
- class Timeline
- Timeline.
- enum class MeshPrimitive: UnsignedInt { Points, Lines, LineLoop, LineStrip, Triangles, TriangleStrip, TriangleFan, LinesAdjacency = UnsignedInt(GL::MeshPrimitive::LinesAdjacency), LineStripAdjacency = UnsignedInt(GL::MeshPrimitive::LineStripAdjacency), TrianglesAdjacency = UnsignedInt(GL::MeshPrimitive::TrianglesAdjacency), TriangleStripAdjacency = UnsignedInt(GL::MeshPrimitive::TriangleStripAdjacency), Patches = UnsignedInt(GL::MeshPrimitive::Patches) deprecated }
- Mesh primitive type.
- enum class MeshIndexType: UnsignedInt { UnsignedByte, UnsignedShort, UnsignedInt }
- Mesh primitive type.
- enum class PixelFormat: UnsignedInt { R8Unorm, RG8Unorm, RGB8Unorm, RGBA8Unorm, R8Snorm, RG8Snorm, RGB8Snorm, RGBA8Snorm, R8UI, RG8UI, RGB8UI, RGBA8UI, R8I, RG8I, RGB8I, RGBA8I, R16Unorm, RG16Unorm, RGB16Unorm, RGBA16Unorm, R16Snorm, RG16Snorm, RGB16Snorm, RGBA16Snorm, R16UI, RG16UI, RGB16UI, RGBA16UI, R16I, RG16I, RGB16I, RGBA16I, R32UI, RG32UI, RGB32UI, RGBA32UI, R32I, RG32I, RGB32I, RGBA32I, R16F, RG16F, RGB16F, RGBA16F, R32F, RG32F, RGB32F, RGBA32F, Red = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::Red) deprecated, Green = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::Green) deprecated, Blue = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::Blue) deprecated, Luminance = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::Luminance) deprecated, RG = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::RG) deprecated, LuminanceAlpha = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::LuminanceAlpha) deprecated, RGB = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::RGB) deprecated, RGBA = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::RGBA) deprecated, BGR = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::BGR) deprecated, BGRA = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::BGRA) deprecated, SRGB = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::SRGB) deprecated, SRGBAlpha = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::SRGBAlpha) deprecated, RedInteger = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::RedInteger) deprecated, GreenInteger = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::GreenInteger) deprecated, BlueInteger = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::BlueInteger) deprecated, RGInteger = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::RGInteger) deprecated, RGBInteger = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::RGBInteger) deprecated, RGBAInteger = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::RGBAInteger) deprecated, BGRInteger = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::BGRInteger) deprecated, BGRAInteger = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::BGRAInteger) deprecated, DepthComponent = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::DepthComponent) deprecated, StencilIndex = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::StencilIndex) deprecated, DepthStencil = UnsignedInt(GL::PixelFormat::DepthStencil) deprecated }
- Format of pixel data.
- enum class CompressedPixelFormat: UnsignedInt { Bc1RGBUnorm, Bc1RGBAUnorm, Bc2RGBAUnorm, Bc3RGBAUnorm, Red = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::Red) deprecated, RG = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RG) deprecated, RGB = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGB) deprecated, RGBA = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBA) deprecated, RedRgtc1 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RedRgtc1) deprecated, RGRgtc2 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGRgtc2) deprecated, SignedRedRgtc1 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::SignedRedRgtc1) deprecated, SignedRGRgtc2 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::SignedRGRgtc2) deprecated, RGBBptcUnsignedFloat = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBBptcUnsignedFloat) deprecated, RGBBptcSignedFloat = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBBptcSignedFloat) deprecated, RGBABptcUnorm = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBABptcUnorm) deprecated, SRGBAlphaBptcUnorm = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::SRGBAlphaBptcUnorm) deprecated, RGB8Etc2 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGB8Etc2) deprecated, SRGB8Etc2 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::SRGB8Etc2) deprecated, RGB8PunchthroughAlpha1Etc2 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGB8PunchthroughAlpha1Etc2) deprecated, SRGB8PunchthroughAlpha1Etc2 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::SRGB8PunchthroughAlpha1Etc2) deprecated, RGBA8Etc2Eac = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBA8Etc2Eac) deprecated, SRGB8Alpha8Etc2Eac = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::SRGB8Alpha8Etc2Eac) deprecated, R11Eac = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::R11Eac) deprecated, SignedR11Eac = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::SignedR11Eac) deprecated, RG11Eac = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RG11Eac) deprecated, SignedRG11Eac = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::SignedRG11Eac) deprecated, RGBS3tcDxt1 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBS3tcDxt1) deprecated, RGBAS3tcDxt1 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBAS3tcDxt1) deprecated, RGBAS3tcDxt3 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBAS3tcDxt3) deprecated, RGBAS3tcDxt5 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBAS3tcDxt5) deprecated, RGBAAstc4x4 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBAAstc4x4) deprecated, SRGB8Alpha8Astc4x4 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::SRGB8Alpha8Astc4x4) deprecated, RGBAAstc5x4 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBAAstc5x4) deprecated, SRGB8Alpha8Astc5x4 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::SRGB8Alpha8Astc5x4) deprecated, RGBAAstc5x5 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBAAstc5x5) deprecated, SRGB8Alpha8Astc5x5 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::SRGB8Alpha8Astc5x5) deprecated, RGBAAstc6x5 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBAAstc6x5) deprecated, SRGB8Alpha8Astc6x5 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::SRGB8Alpha8Astc6x5) deprecated, RGBAAstc6x6 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBAAstc6x6) deprecated, SRGB8Alpha8Astc6x6 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::SRGB8Alpha8Astc6x6) deprecated, RGBAAstc8x5 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBAAstc8x5) deprecated, SRGB8Alpha8Astc8x5 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::SRGB8Alpha8Astc8x5) deprecated, RGBAAstc8x6 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBAAstc8x6) deprecated, SRGB8Alpha8Astc8x6 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::SRGB8Alpha8Astc8x6) deprecated, RGBAAstc8x8 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBAAstc8x8) deprecated, SRGB8Alpha8Astc8x8 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::SRGB8Alpha8Astc8x8) deprecated, RGBAAstc10x5 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBAAstc10x5) deprecated, SRGB8Alpha8Astc10x5 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::SRGB8Alpha8Astc10x5) deprecated, RGBAAstc10x6 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBAAstc10x6) deprecated, SRGB8Alpha8Astc10x6 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::SRGB8Alpha8Astc10x6) deprecated, RGBAAstc10x8 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBAAstc10x8) deprecated, SRGB8Alpha8Astc10x8 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::SRGB8Alpha8Astc10x8) deprecated, RGBAAstc10x10 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBAAstc10x10) deprecated, SRGB8Alpha8Astc10x10 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::SRGB8Alpha8Astc10x10) deprecated, RGBAAstc12x10 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBAAstc12x10) deprecated, SRGB8Alpha8Astc12x10 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::SRGB8Alpha8Astc12x10) deprecated, RGBAAstc12x12 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::RGBAAstc12x12) deprecated, SRGB8Alpha8Astc12x12 = UnsignedInt(GL::CompressedPixelFormat::SRGB8Alpha8Astc12x12) deprecated }
- Format of compressed pixel data.
- enum class ResourceState: UnsignedByte { NotLoaded, NotLoadedFallback, Loading, LoadingFallback, NotFound, NotFoundFallback, Mutable, Final }
- Resource state.
- enum class ResourceDataState: UnsignedByte { Loading = UnsignedByte(ResourceState::Loading), NotFound = UnsignedByte(ResourceState::NotFound), Mutable = UnsignedByte(ResourceState::Mutable), Final = UnsignedByte(ResourceState::Final) }
- Resource data state.
- enum class ResourcePolicy: UnsignedByte { Resident, Manual, ReferenceCounted }
- Resource policy.
- enum class SamplerFilter: UnsignedInt { Nearest, Linear }
- Texture sampler filtering.
- enum class SamplerMipmap: UnsignedInt { Base, Nearest, Linear }
- Texture sampler mip level selection.
- enum class SamplerWrapping: UnsignedInt { Repeat, MirroredRepeat, ClampToEdge, ClampToBorder, MirrorClampToEdge }
- Texture sampler wrapping.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions, class T>using VectorTypeFor = typename DimensionTraits<dimensions, T>::VectorType
- Vector type for given dimension count and type.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions, class T>using RangeTypeFor = typename DimensionTraits<dimensions, T>::RangeType
- Range type for given dimension count and type.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions, class T>using MatrixTypeFor = typename DimensionTraits<dimensions, T>::MatrixType
- Matrix type for given dimension count and type.
using FramebufferClear = Magnum::
GL:: FramebufferClear deprecated - Mask for framebuffer clearing.
using FramebufferClearMask = Magnum::
GL:: FramebufferClearMask deprecated - Mask for clearing.
using FramebufferBlit = Magnum::
GL:: FramebufferBlit deprecated - Mask for framebuffer blitting.
using FramebufferBlitMask = Magnum::
GL:: FramebufferBlitMask deprecated - Mask for framebuffer blitting.
using FramebufferBlitFilter = Magnum::
GL:: FramebufferBlitFilter deprecated - Framebuffer blit filtering.
using FramebufferTarget = Magnum::
GL:: FramebufferTarget deprecated - Framebuffer target.
using AbstractFramebuffer = Magnum::
GL:: AbstractFramebuffer deprecated - Base for default and named framebuffers.
using ObjectFlag = Magnum::
GL:: ObjectFlag deprecated - Object wrapping flag.
using ObjectFlags = Magnum::
GL:: ObjectFlags deprecated - Object wrapping flags.
using AbstractObject = Magnum::
GL:: AbstractObject deprecated - Base for all OpenGL objects.
using AbstractQuery = Magnum::
GL:: AbstractQuery deprecated - Base class for queries.
using AbstractShaderProgram = Magnum::
GL:: AbstractShaderProgram deprecated - Base for shader program implementations.
using AbstractTexture = Magnum::
GL:: AbstractTexture deprecated - Base for textures.
template<UnsignedInt location, class T>using Attribute = Magnum::
GL:: Attribute<location, T> deprecated - Base class for attribute location and type.
using DynamicAttribute = Magnum::
GL:: DynamicAttribute deprecated - Base class for dynamic attribute location and type.
using BufferUsage = Magnum::
GL:: BufferUsage deprecated - Buffer usage.
using Buffer = Magnum::
GL:: Buffer deprecated - Buffer.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions>using BufferImage = Magnum::
GL:: BufferImage<dimensions> deprecated - Buffer image.
using BufferImage1D = Magnum::
GL:: BufferImage1D deprecated - One-dimensional buffer image.
using BufferImage2D = Magnum::
GL:: BufferImage2D deprecated - Two-dimensional buffer image.
using BufferImage3D = Magnum::
GL:: BufferImage3D deprecated - Three-dimensional buffer image.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions>using CompressedBufferImage = Magnum::
GL:: BufferImage<dimensions> deprecated - Compressed buffer image.
using CompressedBufferImage1D = Magnum::
GL:: CompressedBufferImage1D deprecated - One-dimensional compressed buffer image.
using CompressedBufferImage2D = Magnum::
GL:: CompressedBufferImage2D deprecated - Two-dimensional compressed buffer image.
using CompressedBufferImage3D = Magnum::
GL:: CompressedBufferImage3D deprecated - Three-dimensional compressed buffer image.
using BufferTexture = Magnum::
GL:: BufferTexture deprecated - Buffer texture.
using BufferTextureFormat = Magnum::
GL:: BufferTextureFormat deprecated - Internal buffer texture format.
using Extension = Magnum::
GL:: Extension deprecated - Run-time information about OpenGL extension.
using Context = Magnum::
GL:: Context deprecated - Magnum context.
using CubeMapCoordinate = Magnum::
GL:: CubeMapCoordinate deprecated - Cube map coordinate.
using CubeMapTexture = Magnum::
GL:: CubeMapTexture deprecated - Cube map texture.
using CubeMapTextureArray = Magnum::
GL:: CubeMapTextureArray deprecated - Cube map texture array.
using DebugOutput = Magnum::
GL:: DebugOutput deprecated - Debug output.
using DebugMessage = Magnum::
GL:: DebugMessage deprecated - Debug message.
using DebugGroup = Magnum::
GL:: DebugGroup deprecated - Debug group.
using DefaultFramebuffer = Magnum::
GL:: DefaultFramebuffer deprecated - Default framebuffer.
using Framebuffer = Magnum::
GL:: Framebuffer deprecated - Framebuffer.
using ImageAccess = Magnum::
GL:: ImageAccess deprecated - Image access.
using ImageFormat = Magnum::
GL:: ImageFormat deprecated - Image format.
using Mesh = Magnum::
GL:: Mesh deprecated - Mesh.
using MeshView = Magnum::
GL:: MeshView deprecated - Mesh view.
using MultisampleTextureSampleLocations = Magnum::
GL:: MultisampleTextureSampleLocations deprecated - Multisample texture sample locations.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions>using MultisampleTexture = Magnum::
GL:: MultisampleTexture<dimensions> deprecated - Mulitsample texture.
using MultisampleTexture2D = Magnum::
GL:: MultisampleTexture2D deprecated - Two-dimensional multisample texture.
using MultisampleTexture2DArray = Magnum::
GL:: MultisampleTexture2DArray deprecated - Two-dimensional multisample texture array.
using OpenGLTester = Magnum::
GL:: OpenGLTester deprecated - Base class for OpenGL tests and benchmarks.
using PixelType = Magnum::
GL:: PixelType deprecated - Type of pixel data.
using PrimitiveQuery = Magnum::
GL:: PrimitiveQuery deprecated - Query for primitives.
using RectangleTexture = Magnum::
GL:: RectangleTexture deprecated - Rectangle texture.
using Renderbuffer = Magnum::
GL:: Renderbuffer deprecated - Renderbuffer.
using RenderbufferFormat = Magnum::
GL:: RenderbufferFormat deprecated - Internal renderbuffer format.
using Renderer = Magnum::
GL:: Renderer deprecated - Global renderer configuration.
using SampleQuery = Magnum::
GL:: SampleQuery deprecated - Query for samples.
using Shader = Magnum::
GL:: Shader deprecated - Shader.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions>using Texture = Magnum::
GL:: Texture<dimensions> deprecated - Texture.
using Texture1D = Magnum::
GL:: Texture1D deprecated - One-dimensional texture.
using Texture2D = Magnum::
GL:: Texture2D deprecated - Two-dimensional texture.
using Texture3D = Magnum::
GL:: Texture3D deprecated - Three-dimensional texture.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions>using TextureArray = Magnum::
GL:: TextureArray<dimensions> deprecated - Texture array.
using Texture1DArray = Magnum::
GL:: Texture1DArray deprecated - One-dimensional texture array.
using Texture2DArray = Magnum::
GL:: Texture2DArray deprecated - Two-dimensional texture array.
using TextureFormat = Magnum::
GL:: TextureFormat deprecated - Internal texture format.
using TimeQuery = Magnum::
GL:: TimeQuery deprecated - Query for elapsed time.
using TransformFeedback = Magnum::
GL:: TransformFeedback deprecated - Transform feedback.
using Version = Magnum::
GL:: Version deprecated - OpenGL version.
- using Image1D = Image<1>
- One-dimensional image.
- using Image2D = Image<2>
- Two-dimensional image.
- using Image3D = Image<3>
- Three-dimensional image.
- using CompressedImage1D = CompressedImage<1>
- One-dimensional compressed image.
- using CompressedImage2D = CompressedImage<2>
- Two-dimensional compressed image.
- using CompressedImage3D = CompressedImage<3>
- Three-dimensional compressed image.
- using ImageView1D = ImageView<1>
- One-dimensional image view.
- using ImageView2D = ImageView<2>
- Two-dimensional image view.
- using ImageView3D = ImageView<3>
- Three-dimensional image view.
- using CompressedImageView1D = CompressedImageView<1>
- One-dimensional compressed image view.
- using CompressedImageView2D = CompressedImageView<2>
- Two-dimensional compressed image view.
- using CompressedImageView3D = CompressedImageView<3>
- Three-dimensional compressed image view.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions, class T>auto operator<<(Debug& debug, const Array<dimensions, T>& value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
template<class T>auto operator<<(Debug& debug, const Array1D<T>& value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
template<class T>auto operator<<(Debug& debug, const Array2D<T>& value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
template<class T>auto operator<<(Debug& debug, const Array3D<T>& value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
auto version(Int major,
Int minor) -> GL::
Version deprecated constexpr - Enum value from major and minor version number.
auto version(GL::
Version version) -> std:: pair<Int, Int> deprecated - Major and minor version number from enum value.
auto isVersionES(GL::
Version version) -> bool deprecated constexpr - Whether given version is OpenGL ES or WebGL.
- auto meshIndexTypeSize(MeshIndexType type) -> UnsignedInt
- Size of given mesh index type.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, MeshPrimitive value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, MeshIndexType value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
- auto pixelSize(PixelFormat format) -> UnsignedInt
- Pixel size.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, PixelFormat value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
- auto isPixelFormatImplementationSpecific(PixelFormat format) -> bool constexpr
- Whether a PixelFormat value wraps an implementation-specific identifier.
template<class T>auto pixelFormatWrap(T implementationSpecific) -> PixelFormat constexpr
- Wrap an implementation-specific pixel format identifier in PixelFormat.
template<class T = UnsignedInt>auto pixelFormatUnwrap(PixelFormat format) -> T constexpr
- Unwrap an implementation-specific pixel format identifier from PixelFormat.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, CompressedPixelFormat value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
- auto isCompressedPixelFormatImplementationSpecific(CompressedPixelFormat format) -> bool constexpr
- Whether a CompressedPixelFormat value wraps an implementation-specific identifier.
template<class T>auto compressedPixelFormatWrap(T implementationSpecific) -> CompressedPixelFormat constexpr
- Wrap an implementation-specific pixel format identifier in a CompressedPixelFormat.
template<class T = UnsignedInt>auto compressedPixelFormatUnwrap(CompressedPixelFormat format) -> T constexpr
- Unwrap an implementation-specific pixel format identifier from a CompressedPixelFormat.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, ResourceState value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, const ResourceKey& value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, SamplerFilter value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, SamplerMipmap value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, SamplerWrapping value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
- GL::DefaultFramebuffer& defaultFramebuffer deprecated
- Default framebuffer instance.
- NoCreateT NoCreate constexpr
- No creation tag.
Basic type definitions
See Type system for more information.
using UnsignedByte = std::
uint8_t - Unsigned byte (8bit)
using Byte = std::
int8_t - Signed byte (8bit)
using UnsignedShort = std::
uint16_t - Unsigned short (16bit)
using Short = std::
int16_t - Signed short (16bit)
using UnsignedInt = std::
uint32_t - Unsigned int (32bit)
using Int = std::
int32_t - Signed int (32bit)
using UnsignedLong = std::
uint64_t - Unsigned long (64bit)
using Long = std::
int64_t - Signed long (64bit)
- using Float = float
- Float (32bit)
using Half = Math::
Half - Half (16bit)
using Vector2 = Math::
Vector2<Float> - Two-component float vector.
using Vector3 = Math::
Vector3<Float> - Three-component float vector.
using Vector4 = Math::
Vector4<Float> - Four-component float vector.
using Vector2ui = Math::
Vector2<UnsignedInt> - Two-component unsigned integer vector.
using Vector3ui = Math::
Vector3<UnsignedInt> - Three-component unsigned integer vector.
using Vector4ui = Math::
Vector4<UnsignedInt> - Four-component unsigned integer vector.
using Vector2i = Math::
Vector2<Int> - Two-component signed integer vector.
using Vector3i = Math::
Vector3<Int> - Three-component signed integer vector.
using Vector4i = Math::
Vector4<Int> - Four-component signed integer vector.
using Color3 = Math::
Color3<Float> - Three-component (RGB) float color.
using Color4 = Math::
Color4<Float> - Four-component (RGBA) float color.
using Color3ub = Math::
Color3<UnsignedByte> - Three-component (RGB) unsigned byte color.
using Color4ub = Math::
Color4<UnsignedByte> - Four-component (RGBA) unsigned byte color.
using Matrix3 = Math::
Matrix3<Float> - 3x3 float transformation matrix
using Matrix4 = Math::
Matrix4<Float> - 4x4 float transformation matrix
using Matrix2x2 = Math::
Matrix2x2<Float> - 2x2 float matrix
using Matrix3x3 = Math::
Matrix3x3<Float> - 3x3 float matrix
using Matrix4x4 = Math::
Matrix4x4<Float> - 4x4 float matrix
using Matrix2x3 = Math::
Matrix2x3<Float> - Float matrix with 2 columns and 3 rows.
using Matrix3x2 = Math::
Matrix3x2<Float> - Float matrix with 3 columns and 2 rows.
using Matrix2x4 = Math::
Matrix2x4<Float> - Float matrix with 2 columns and 4 rows.
using Matrix4x2 = Math::
Matrix4x2<Float> - Float matrix with 4 columns and 2 rows.
using Matrix3x4 = Math::
Matrix3x4<Float> - Float matrix with 3 columns and 4 rows.
using Matrix4x3 = Math::
Matrix4x3<Float> - Float matrix with 4 columns and 3 rows.
using QuadraticBezier2D = Math::
QuadraticBezier2D<Float> - Float two-dimensional quadratic Bézier curve.
using QuadraticBezier3D = Math::
QuadraticBezier3D<Float> - Float three-dimensional quadratic Bézier curve.
using CubicBezier2D = Math::
CubicBezier2D<Float> - Float two-dimensional cubic Bézier curve.
using CubicBezier3D = Math::
CubicBezier3D<Float> - Float three-dimensional cubic Bézier curve.
using Complex = Math::
Complex<Float> - Float complex number.
using DualComplex = Math::
DualComplex<Float> - Float dual complex number.
using Quaternion = Math::
Quaternion<Float> - Float quaternion.
using DualQuaternion = Math::
DualQuaternion<Float> - Float dual quaternion.
using Constants = Math::
Constants<Float> - Float constants.
using Deg = Math::
Deg<Float> - Angle in float degrees.
using Rad = Math::
Rad<Float> - Angle in float radians.
using Range1D = Math::
Range1D<Float> - Float 1D range.
using Range2D = Math::
Range2D<Float> - Float 2D range.
using Range3D = Math::
Range3D<Float> - Float 3D range.
using Range1Di = Math::
Range1D<Int> - Signed integer 1D range.
using Range2Di = Math::
Range2D<Int> - Signed integer 2D range.
using Range3Di = Math::
Range3D<Int> - Signed integer 3D range.
using Frustum = Math::
Frustum<Float> - Float frustum.
Double-precision types
See Type system for more information.
- using Double = double
- Double (64bit)
using Vector2d = Math::
Vector2<Double> - Two-component double vector.
using Vector3d = Math::
Vector3<Double> - Three-component double vector.
using Vector4d = Math::
Vector4<Double> - Four-component double vector.
using Matrix3d = Math::
Matrix3<Double> - 3x3 double transformation matrix
using Matrix4d = Math::
Matrix4<Double> - 4x4 double transformation matrix
using Matrix2x2d = Math::
Matrix2x2<Double> - 2x2 double matrix
using Matrix3x3d = Math::
Matrix3x3<Double> - 3x3 double matrix
using Matrix4x4d = Math::
Matrix4x4<Double> - 4x4 double matrix
using Matrix2x3d = Math::
Matrix2x3<Double> - Double matrix with 2 columns and 3 rows.
using Matrix3x2d = Math::
Matrix3x2<Double> - Double matrix with 3 columns and 2 rows.
using Matrix2x4d = Math::
Matrix2x4<Double> - Double matrix with 2 columns and 4 rows.
using Matrix4x2d = Math::
Matrix4x2<Double> - Double matrix with 4 columns and 2 rows.
using Matrix3x4d = Math::
Matrix3x4<Double> - Double matrix with 3 columns and 4 rows.
using Matrix4x3d = Math::
Matrix4x3<Double> - Double matrix with 4 columns and 3 rows.
using QuadraticBezier2Dd = Math::
QuadraticBezier2D<Float> - Double two-dimensional quadratic Bézier curve.
using QuadraticBezier3Dd = Math::
QuadraticBezier3D<Float> - Double three-dimensional quadratic Bézier curve.
using CubicBezier2Dd = Math::
CubicBezier2D<Float> - Double two-dimensional cubic Bézier curve.
using CubicBezier3Dd = Math::
CubicBezier3D<Float> - Double three-dimensional cubic Bézier curve.
using Complexd = Math::
Complex<Double> - Double complex number.
using DualComplexd = Math::
DualComplex<Double> - Double dual complex number.
using Quaterniond = Math::
Quaternion<Double> - Double quaternion.
using DualQuaterniond = Math::
DualQuaternion<Double> - Double dual quaternion.
using Constantsd = Math::
Constants<Double> - Double constants.
using Degd = Math::
Deg<Double> - Angle in double degrees.
using Radd = Math::
Rad<Double> - Angle in double radians.
using Range1Dd = Math::
Range1D<Double> - Double 1D range.
using Range2Dd = Math::
Range2D<Double> - Double 2D range.
using Range3Dd = Math::
Range3D<Double> - Double 3D range.
using Frustumd = Math::
Frustum<Double> - Double frustum.
Enum documentation
enum class Magnum:: MeshPrimitive: UnsignedInt
Mesh primitive type.
In case of OpenGL, corresponds to GL::
Enumerators | |
Points |
Single points. Corresponds to GL:: |
Lines |
Each pair of vertices defines a single line, lines aren't connected together. Corresponds to GL:: |
LineLoop |
Line strip, last and first vertex are connected together. Corresponds to GL:: |
LineStrip |
First two vertices define first line segment, each following vertex defines another segment. Corresponds to GL:: |
Triangles |
Each three vertices define one triangle. Corresponds to GL:: |
TriangleStrip |
First three vertices define first triangle, each following vertex defines another triangle. Corresponds to GL:: |
TriangleFan |
First vertex is center, each following vertex is connected to previous and center vertex. Corresponds to GL:: |
LinesAdjacency |
Lines with adjacency information. |
LineStripAdjacency |
Line strip with adjacency information. |
TrianglesAdjacency |
Triangles with adjacency information. |
TriangleStripAdjacency |
Triangle strip with adjacency information. |
Patches |
Patches. |
enum class Magnum:: MeshIndexType: UnsignedInt
Mesh primitive type.
In case of OpenGL, corresponds to GL::
Enumerators | |
UnsignedByte |
Unsigned byte Corresponds to GL:: |
UnsignedShort |
Unsigned short Corresponds to GL:: |
UnsignedInt |
Unsigned int Corresponds to GL:: |
enum class Magnum:: PixelFormat: UnsignedInt
Format of pixel data.
Can act also as a wrapper for implementation-specific pixel format values using pixelFormatWrap() and pixelFormatUnwrap(). Distinction between generic and implementation-specific formats can be done using isPixelFormatImplementationSpecific().
In case of OpenGL, corresponds to GL::
enum class Magnum:: CompressedPixelFormat: UnsignedInt
Format of compressed pixel data.
Can act also as a wrapper for implementation-specific pixel format values using compressedPixelFormatWrap() and compressedPixelFormatUnwrap(). Distinction between generic and implementation-specific formats can be done using isCompressedPixelFormatImplementationSpecific().
In case of OpenGL, corresponds to GL::
Enumerators | |
Bc1RGBUnorm |
S3TC BC1 compressed RGB (DXT1). Corresponds to GL:: |
Bc1RGBAUnorm |
S3TC BC1 compressed RGBA (DXT1). Corresponds to GL:: |
Bc2RGBAUnorm |
S3TC BC2 compressed RGBA (DXT3). Corresponds to GL:: |
Bc3RGBAUnorm |
S3TC BC3 compressed RGBA (DXT5). Corresponds to GL:: |
Red |
Compressed red channel, normalized unsigned. |
RG |
Compressed red and green channel, normalized unsigned. |
Compressed RGB, normalized unsigned. |
Compressed RGBA, normalized unsigned. |
RedRgtc1 |
RGTC compressed red channel, normalized unsigned. |
RGRgtc2 |
RGTC compressed red and green channel, normalized unsigned. |
SignedRedRgtc1 |
RGTC compressed red channel, normalized signed. |
SignedRGRgtc2 |
RGTC compressed red and green channel, normalized signed. |
RGBBptcUnsignedFloat |
BPTC compressed RGB, unsigned float. |
RGBBptcSignedFloat |
BPTC compressed RGB, signed float. |
RGBABptcUnorm |
BPTC compressed RGBA, normalized unsigned. |
SRGBAlphaBptcUnorm |
BPTC compressed sRGBA, normalized unsigned. |
RGB8Etc2 |
ETC2 compressed RGB, normalized unsigned. |
SRGB8Etc2 |
ETC2 compressed sRGB, normalized unsigned. |
RGB8PunchthroughAlpha1Etc2 |
ETC2 compressed RGB with punchthrough (single-bit) alpha, normalized unsigned. |
SRGB8PunchthroughAlpha1Etc2 |
ETC2 compressed sRGB with punchthrough (single-bit) alpha, normalized unsigned. |
RGBA8Etc2Eac |
ETC2/EAC compressed RGBA, normalized unsigned. |
SRGB8Alpha8Etc2Eac |
ETC2/EAC compressed sRGB with alpha, normalized unsigned. |
R11Eac |
EAC compressed red channel, normalized unsigned. |
SignedR11Eac |
EAC compressed red channel, normalized signed. |
RG11Eac |
EAC compressed red and green channel, normalized unsigned. |
SignedRG11Eac |
EAC compressed red and green channel, normalized signed. |
RGBS3tcDxt1 |
S3TC DXT1 compressed RGB. |
RGBAS3tcDxt1 |
S3TC DXT1 compressed RGBA. |
RGBAS3tcDxt3 |
S3TC DXT3 compressed RGBA. |
RGBAS3tcDxt5 |
S3TC DXT5 compressed RGBA. |
RGBAAstc4x4 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 4x4 blocks. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc4x4 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 4x4 blocks. |
RGBAAstc5x4 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 5x4 blocks. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc5x4 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 5x4 blocks. |
RGBAAstc5x5 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 5x5 blocks. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc5x5 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 5x5 blocks. |
RGBAAstc6x5 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 6x5 blocks. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc6x5 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 6x5 blocks. |
RGBAAstc6x6 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 6x6 blocks. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc6x6 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 6x6 blocks. |
RGBAAstc8x5 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 8x5 blocks. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc8x5 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 8x5 blocks. |
RGBAAstc8x6 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 8x6 blocks. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc8x6 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 8x6 blocks. |
RGBAAstc8x8 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 8x8 blocks. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc8x8 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 8x8 blocks. |
RGBAAstc10x5 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 10x5 blocks. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc10x5 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 10x5 blocks. |
RGBAAstc10x6 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 10x6 blocks. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc10x6 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 10x6 blocks. |
RGBAAstc10x8 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 10x8 blocks. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc10x8 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 10x8 blocks. |
RGBAAstc10x10 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 10x10 blocks. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc10x10 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 10x10 blocks. |
RGBAAstc12x10 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 12x10 blocks. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc12x10 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 12x10 blocks. |
RGBAAstc12x12 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 12x12 blocks. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc12x12 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 12x12 blocks. |
enum class Magnum:: ResourceState: UnsignedByte
Resource state.
Enumerators | |
NotLoaded |
The resource is not yet loaded (and no fallback is available). |
NotLoadedFallback |
The resource is not yet loaded and fallback resource is used instead. |
Loading |
The resource is currently loading (and no fallback is available). |
LoadingFallback |
The resource is currently loading and fallback resource is used instead. |
NotFound |
The resource was not found (and no fallback is available). |
NotFoundFallback |
The resource was not found and fallback resource is used instead. |
Mutable |
The resource is loaded, but can be changed by the manager at any time. |
Final |
The resource is loaded and won't be changed by the manager anymore. |
enum class Magnum:: ResourceDataState: UnsignedByte
Resource data state.
Enumerators | |
Loading |
The resource is currently loading. Parameter |
NotFound |
The resource was not found. Parameter |
Mutable |
The resource can be changed by the manager in the future. This is slower, as Resource needs to ask the manager for new version every time the data are accessed, but allows changing the data for e.g. debugging purposes. |
Final |
The resource cannot be changed by the manager in the future. This is faster, as Resource instances will ask for the data only one time, thus suitable for production code. |
enum class Magnum:: ResourcePolicy: UnsignedByte
Resource policy.
Enumerators | |
Resident |
The resource will stay resident for whole lifetime of resource manager. |
Manual |
The resource will be unloaded when manually calling ResourceManager:: |
ReferenceCounted |
The resource will be unloaded when last reference to it is gone. |
enum class Magnum:: SamplerFilter: UnsignedInt
Texture sampler filtering.
In case of OpenGL, corresponds to GL::
Enumerators | |
Nearest |
Nearest neighbor filtering. Corresponds to GL:: |
Linear |
Linear interpolation filtering. Corresponds to GL:: |
enum class Magnum:: SamplerMipmap: UnsignedInt
Texture sampler mip level selection.
In case of OpenGL, corresponds to GL::
Enumerators | |
Base |
Select base mip level Corresponds to GL:: |
Nearest |
Select nearest mip level. Corresponds to GL:: |
Linear |
Linear interpolation of nearest mip levels. Corresponds to GL:: |
enum class Magnum:: SamplerWrapping: UnsignedInt
Texture sampler wrapping.
In case of OpenGL, corresponds to GL::
Enumerators | |
Repeat |
Repeat texture. Corresponds to GL:: |
MirroredRepeat |
Repeat mirrored texture. Corresponds to GL:: |
ClampToEdge |
Clamp to edge. Coordinates out of the range will be clamped to first / last column / row in given direction. Corresponds to GL:: |
ClampToBorder |
Clamp to border color. Coordinates out of range will be clamped to border color. Corresponds to GL:: |
MirrorClampToEdge |
Mirror the texture once in negative coordinates and clamp to edge after that. Corresponds to GL:: |
Typedef documentation
template<UnsignedInt dimensions, class T>
using Magnum:: VectorTypeFor = typename DimensionTraits<dimensions, T>::VectorType
Vector type for given dimension count and type.
Convenience alternative to typename DimensionTraits<dimensions, T>::VectorType
. See DimensionTraits::
template<UnsignedInt dimensions, class T>
using Magnum:: RangeTypeFor = typename DimensionTraits<dimensions, T>::RangeType
Range type for given dimension count and type.
Convenience alternative to typename DimensionTraits<dimensions, T>::RangeType
. See DimensionTraits::
template<UnsignedInt dimensions, class T>
using Magnum:: MatrixTypeFor = typename DimensionTraits<dimensions, T>::MatrixType
Matrix type for given dimension count and type.
Convenience alternative to typename DimensionTraits<dimensions, T>::MatrixType
. See DimensionTraits::
typedef Magnum:: GL:: FramebufferClear Magnum:: FramebufferClear
Mask for framebuffer clearing.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: FramebufferClearMask Magnum:: FramebufferClearMask
Mask for clearing.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: FramebufferBlit Magnum:: FramebufferBlit
Mask for framebuffer blitting.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: FramebufferBlitMask Magnum:: FramebufferBlitMask
Mask for framebuffer blitting.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: FramebufferBlitFilter Magnum:: FramebufferBlitFilter
Framebuffer blit filtering.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: FramebufferTarget Magnum:: FramebufferTarget
Framebuffer target.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: AbstractFramebuffer Magnum:: AbstractFramebuffer
Base for default and named framebuffers.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: ObjectFlag Magnum:: ObjectFlag
Object wrapping flag.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: ObjectFlags Magnum:: ObjectFlags
Object wrapping flags.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: AbstractObject Magnum:: AbstractObject
Base for all OpenGL objects.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: AbstractQuery Magnum:: AbstractQuery
Base class for queries.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: AbstractShaderProgram Magnum:: AbstractShaderProgram
Base for shader program implementations.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: AbstractTexture Magnum:: AbstractTexture
Base for textures.
template<UnsignedInt location, class T>
using Magnum:: Attribute = Magnum:: GL:: Attribute<location, T>
Base class for attribute location and type.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: DynamicAttribute Magnum:: DynamicAttribute
Base class for dynamic attribute location and type.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: BufferUsage Magnum:: BufferUsage
Buffer usage.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: Buffer Magnum:: Buffer
template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
using Magnum:: BufferImage = Magnum:: GL:: BufferImage<dimensions>
Buffer image.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: BufferImage1D Magnum:: BufferImage1D
One-dimensional buffer image.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: BufferImage2D Magnum:: BufferImage2D
Two-dimensional buffer image.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: BufferImage3D Magnum:: BufferImage3D
Three-dimensional buffer image.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
using Magnum:: CompressedBufferImage = Magnum:: GL:: BufferImage<dimensions>
Compressed buffer image.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: CompressedBufferImage1D Magnum:: CompressedBufferImage1D
One-dimensional compressed buffer image.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: CompressedBufferImage2D Magnum:: CompressedBufferImage2D
Two-dimensional compressed buffer image.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: CompressedBufferImage3D Magnum:: CompressedBufferImage3D
Three-dimensional compressed buffer image.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: BufferTexture Magnum:: BufferTexture
Buffer texture.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: BufferTextureFormat Magnum:: BufferTextureFormat
Internal buffer texture format.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: Extension Magnum:: Extension
Run-time information about OpenGL extension.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: Context Magnum:: Context
Magnum context.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: CubeMapCoordinate Magnum:: CubeMapCoordinate
Cube map coordinate.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: CubeMapTexture Magnum:: CubeMapTexture
Cube map texture.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: CubeMapTextureArray Magnum:: CubeMapTextureArray
Cube map texture array.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: DebugOutput Magnum:: DebugOutput
Debug output.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: DebugMessage Magnum:: DebugMessage
Debug message.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: DebugGroup Magnum:: DebugGroup
Debug group.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: DefaultFramebuffer Magnum:: DefaultFramebuffer
Default framebuffer.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: Framebuffer Magnum:: Framebuffer
typedef Magnum:: GL:: ImageAccess Magnum:: ImageAccess
Image access.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: ImageFormat Magnum:: ImageFormat
Image format.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: Mesh Magnum:: Mesh
typedef Magnum:: GL:: MeshView Magnum:: MeshView
Mesh view.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: MultisampleTextureSampleLocations Magnum:: MultisampleTextureSampleLocations
Multisample texture sample locations.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
using Magnum:: MultisampleTexture = Magnum:: GL:: MultisampleTexture<dimensions>
Mulitsample texture.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: MultisampleTexture2D Magnum:: MultisampleTexture2D
Two-dimensional multisample texture.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: MultisampleTexture2DArray Magnum:: MultisampleTexture2DArray
Two-dimensional multisample texture array.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: OpenGLTester Magnum:: OpenGLTester
Base class for OpenGL tests and benchmarks.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: PixelType Magnum:: PixelType
Type of pixel data.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: PrimitiveQuery Magnum:: PrimitiveQuery
Query for primitives.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: RectangleTexture Magnum:: RectangleTexture
Rectangle texture.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: Renderbuffer Magnum:: Renderbuffer
typedef Magnum:: GL:: RenderbufferFormat Magnum:: RenderbufferFormat
Internal renderbuffer format.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: Renderer Magnum:: Renderer
Global renderer configuration.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: SampleQuery Magnum:: SampleQuery
Query for samples.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: Shader Magnum:: Shader
template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
using Magnum:: Texture = Magnum:: GL:: Texture<dimensions>
typedef Magnum:: GL:: Texture1D Magnum:: Texture1D
One-dimensional texture.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: Texture2D Magnum:: Texture2D
Two-dimensional texture.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: Texture3D Magnum:: Texture3D
Three-dimensional texture.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
using Magnum:: TextureArray = Magnum:: GL:: TextureArray<dimensions>
Texture array.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: Texture1DArray Magnum:: Texture1DArray
One-dimensional texture array.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: Texture2DArray Magnum:: Texture2DArray
Two-dimensional texture array.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: TextureFormat Magnum:: TextureFormat
Internal texture format.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: TimeQuery Magnum:: TimeQuery
Query for elapsed time.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: TransformFeedback Magnum:: TransformFeedback
Transform feedback.
typedef Magnum:: GL:: Version Magnum:: Version
OpenGL version.
typedef std:: uint64_t Magnum:: UnsignedLong
Unsigned long (64bit)
typedef std:: int64_t Magnum:: Long
Signed long (64bit)
typedef Math:: Vector2<UnsignedInt> Magnum:: Vector2ui
Two-component unsigned integer vector.
Equivalent to GLSL uvec2
typedef Math:: Vector3<UnsignedInt> Magnum:: Vector3ui
Three-component unsigned integer vector.
Equivalent to GLSL uvec3
typedef Math:: Vector4<UnsignedInt> Magnum:: Vector4ui
Four-component unsigned integer vector.
Equivalent to GLSL uvec4
typedef Math:: Vector2<Int> Magnum:: Vector2i
Two-component signed integer vector.
Equivalent to GLSL ivec2
typedef Math:: Vector3<Int> Magnum:: Vector3i
Three-component signed integer vector.
Equivalent to GLSL ivec3
typedef Math:: Vector4<Int> Magnum:: Vector4i
Four-component signed integer vector.
Equivalent to GLSL ivec4
typedef Math:: Color3<UnsignedByte> Magnum:: Color3ub
Three-component (RGB) unsigned byte color.
typedef Math:: Color4<UnsignedByte> Magnum:: Color4ub
Four-component (RGBA) unsigned byte color.
typedef Math:: Matrix3<Float> Magnum:: Matrix3
3x3 float transformation matrix
Equivalent to GLSL mat3
typedef Math:: Matrix4<Float> Magnum:: Matrix4
4x4 float transformation matrix
Equivalent to GLSL mat4
typedef Math:: Matrix3x3<Float> Magnum:: Matrix3x3
3x3 float matrix
Equivalent to GLSL mat3x3
. Note that this is different from Matrix3, which contains additional functions for transformations in 2D.
typedef Math:: Matrix4x4<Float> Magnum:: Matrix4x4
4x4 float matrix
Equivalent to GLSL mat4x4
. Note that this is different from Matrix4, which contains additional functions for transformations in 3D.
typedef Math:: Matrix2x3<Float> Magnum:: Matrix2x3
Float matrix with 2 columns and 3 rows.
Equivalent to GLSL mat2x3
typedef Math:: Matrix3x2<Float> Magnum:: Matrix3x2
Float matrix with 3 columns and 2 rows.
Equivalent to GLSL mat3x2
typedef Math:: Matrix2x4<Float> Magnum:: Matrix2x4
Float matrix with 2 columns and 4 rows.
Equivalent to GLSL mat2x4
typedef Math:: Matrix4x2<Float> Magnum:: Matrix4x2
Float matrix with 4 columns and 2 rows.
Equivalent to GLSL mat2x4
typedef Math:: Matrix3x4<Float> Magnum:: Matrix3x4
Float matrix with 3 columns and 4 rows.
Equivalent to GLSL mat3x4
typedef Math:: Matrix4x3<Float> Magnum:: Matrix4x3
Float matrix with 4 columns and 3 rows.
Equivalent to GLSL mat4x3
typedef Math:: Vector2<Double> Magnum:: Vector2d
Two-component double vector.
Equivalent to GLSL dvec2
typedef Math:: Vector3<Double> Magnum:: Vector3d
Three-component double vector.
Equivalent to GLSL dvec3
typedef Math:: Vector4<Double> Magnum:: Vector4d
Four-component double vector.
Equivalent to GLSL dvec4
typedef Math:: Matrix3<Double> Magnum:: Matrix3d
3x3 double transformation matrix
Equivalent to GLSL dmat3
typedef Math:: Matrix4<Double> Magnum:: Matrix4d
4x4 double transformation matrix
Equivalent to GLSL dmat4
typedef Math:: Matrix3x3<Double> Magnum:: Matrix3x3d
3x3 double matrix
Equivalent to GLSL dmat3x3
. Note that this is different from Matrix3d, which contains additional functions for transformations in 2D.
typedef Math:: Matrix4x4<Double> Magnum:: Matrix4x4d
4x4 double matrix
Equivalent to GLSL dmat4x4
. Note that this is different from Matrix4d, which contains additional functions for transformations in 3D.
typedef Math:: Matrix2x3<Double> Magnum:: Matrix2x3d
Double matrix with 2 columns and 3 rows.
Equivalent to GLSL dmat2x3
typedef Math:: Matrix3x2<Double> Magnum:: Matrix3x2d
Double matrix with 3 columns and 2 rows.
Equivalent to GLSL dmat3x2
typedef Math:: Matrix2x4<Double> Magnum:: Matrix2x4d
Double matrix with 2 columns and 4 rows.
Equivalent to GLSL dmat2x4
typedef Math:: Matrix4x2<Double> Magnum:: Matrix4x2d
Double matrix with 4 columns and 2 rows.
Equivalent to GLSL dmat4x2
typedef Math:: Matrix3x4<Double> Magnum:: Matrix3x4d
Double matrix with 3 columns and 4 rows.
Equivalent to GLSL dmat3x4
typedef Math:: Matrix4x3<Double> Magnum:: Matrix4x3d
Double matrix with 4 columns and 3 rows.
Equivalent to GLSL dmat4x3
Function documentation
template<UnsignedInt dimensions, class T>
Debug& Magnum:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
const Array<dimensions, T>& value)
Debug output operator.
template<class T>
Debug& Magnum:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
const Array1D<T>& value)
Debug output operator.
template<class T>
Debug& Magnum:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
const Array2D<T>& value)
Debug output operator.
template<class T>
Debug& Magnum:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
const Array3D<T>& value)
Debug output operator.
GL:: Version Magnum:: version(Int major,
Int minor) constexpr
Enum value from major and minor version number.
Enum value from major and minor version number.
std:: pair<Int, Int> Magnum:: version(GL:: Version version)
Major and minor version number from enum value.
Major and minor version number from enum value.
bool Magnum:: isVersionES(GL:: Version version) constexpr
Whether given version is OpenGL ES or WebGL.
Whether given version is OpenGL ES or WebGL.
Always true
on OpenGL ES and WebGL build.
Debug& Magnum:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
MeshPrimitive value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
MeshIndexType value)
Debug output operator.
UnsignedInt Magnum:: pixelSize(PixelFormat format)
Pixel size.
Expects that the pixel format is not implementation-specific.
Debug& Magnum:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
PixelFormat value)
Debug output operator.
bool Magnum:: isPixelFormatImplementationSpecific(PixelFormat format) constexpr
Whether a PixelFormat value wraps an implementation-specific identifier.
Returns true
if value of format
has its highest bit set, false
otherwise. Use pixelFormatWrap() and pixelFormatUnwrap() to wrap/unwrap an implementation-specific indentifier to/from PixelFormat.
template<class T>
PixelFormat Magnum:: pixelFormatWrap(T implementationSpecific) constexpr
Wrap an implementation-specific pixel format identifier in PixelFormat.
Sets the highest bit on format
to mark it as implementation-specific. Expects that format
fits into the remaining bits. Use pixelFormatUnwrap() for the inverse operation.
template<class T = UnsignedInt>
T Magnum:: pixelFormatUnwrap(PixelFormat format) constexpr
Unwrap an implementation-specific pixel format identifier from PixelFormat.
Unsets the highest bit from format
to extract the implementation-specific value. Expects that format
has it set. Use pixelFormatWrap() for the inverse operation.
Debug& Magnum:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
CompressedPixelFormat value)
Debug output operator.
bool Magnum:: isCompressedPixelFormatImplementationSpecific(CompressedPixelFormat format) constexpr
Whether a CompressedPixelFormat value wraps an implementation-specific identifier.
Returns true
if value of format
has its highest bit set, false
otherwise. Use compressedPixelFormatWrap() and compressedPixelFormatUnwrap() to wrap/unwrap an implementation-specific indentifier to/from CompressedPixelFormat.
template<class T>
CompressedPixelFormat Magnum:: compressedPixelFormatWrap(T implementationSpecific) constexpr
Wrap an implementation-specific pixel format identifier in a CompressedPixelFormat.
Sets the highest bit on format
to mark it as implementation-specific. Expects that format
fits into the remaining bits. Use compressedPixelFormatUnwrap() for the inverse operation.
template<class T = UnsignedInt>
T Magnum:: compressedPixelFormatUnwrap(CompressedPixelFormat format) constexpr
Unwrap an implementation-specific pixel format identifier from a CompressedPixelFormat.
Unsets the highest bit from format
to extract the implementation-specific value. Expects that format
has it set. Use compressedPixelFormatWrap() for the inverse operation.
Debug& Magnum:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
ResourceState value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
const ResourceKey& value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
SamplerFilter value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
SamplerMipmap value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
SamplerWrapping value)
Debug output operator.
Variable documentation
GL::DefaultFramebuffer& Magnum:: defaultFramebuffer
Default framebuffer instance.