Magnum::Primitives namespace

Primitive library.


Basic primitives for testing purposes.

This library is built if WITH_PRIMITIVES is enabled when building Magnum. To use this library with CMake, you need to request the Primitives component of the Magnum package and link to the Magnum::Primitives target:

find_package(Magnum REQUIRED Primitives)

# ...
target_link_libraries(your-app Magnum::Primitives)

See Downloading and building and Usage with CMake for more information.


struct Capsule2D deprecated
2D capsule
struct Capsule3D deprecated
3D capsule
struct Circle deprecated
2D circle primitive
struct Crosshair2D deprecated
2D crosshair
struct Crosshair3D deprecated
3D crosshair
struct Cube deprecated
3D cube
struct Cylinder deprecated
3D cylinder
struct Icosphere deprecated
3D icosphere
struct Line2D deprecated
2D line
struct Line3D deprecated
3D line
struct Plane deprecated
3D plane
struct Square deprecated
2D square
struct UVSphere deprecated
3D UV sphere


enum class CapsuleTextureCoords: UnsignedByte { DontGenerate, Generate }
Whether to generate capsule texture coordinates.
enum class ConeFlag { GenerateTextureCoords = 1 << 0, CapEnd = 1 << 1 }
Cone flag.
enum class CylinderFlag { GenerateTextureCoords = 1 << 0, CapEnds = 1 << 1 }
Cylinder flag.
enum class GridFlag: UnsignedByte { GenerateTextureCoords = 1 << 0, GenerateNormals = 1 << 1 }
Grid flag.
enum class PlaneTextureCoords: UnsignedByte { DontGenerate, Generate }
Whether to generate plane texture coordinates.
enum class SquareTextureCoords: UnsignedByte { DontGenerate, Generate }
Whether to generate square texture coordinates.
enum class UVSphereTextureCoords: UnsignedByte { DontGenerate, Generate }
Whether to generate UV sphere texture coordinates.


using ConeFlags = Containers::EnumSet<ConeFlag>
Cone flags.
using CylinderFlags = Containers::EnumSet<CylinderFlag>
Cylinder flags.
using GridFlags = Containers::EnumSet<GridFlag>
Grid flags.


auto axis2D() -> Trade::MeshData2D
2D axis
auto axis3D() -> Trade::MeshData3D
3D axis
auto capsule2DWireframe(UnsignedInt hemisphereRings, UnsignedInt cylinderRings, Float halfLength) -> Trade::MeshData2D
Wireframe 2D capsule.
auto capsule3DSolid(UnsignedInt hemisphereRings, UnsignedInt cylinderRings, UnsignedInt segments, Float halfLength, CapsuleTextureCoords textureCoords = CapsuleTextureCoords::DontGenerate) -> Trade::MeshData3D
Solid 3D capsule.
auto capsule3DWireframe(UnsignedInt hemisphereRings, UnsignedInt cylinderRings, UnsignedInt segments, Float halfLength) -> Trade::MeshData3D
Wireframe 3D capsule.
auto circle2DSolid(UnsignedInt segments) -> Trade::MeshData2D
Solid 2D circle.
auto circle2DWireframe(UnsignedInt segments) -> Trade::MeshData2D
Wireframe 2D circle.
auto circle3DSolid(UnsignedInt segments) -> Trade::MeshData3D
Solid 3D circle.
auto circle3DWireframe(UnsignedInt segments) -> Trade::MeshData3D
Wireframe 3D circle.
auto coneSolid(UnsignedInt rings, UnsignedInt segments, Float halfLength, ConeFlags flags = {}) -> Trade::MeshData3D
Solid 3D cone.
auto coneWireframe(UnsignedInt segments, Float halfLength) -> Trade::MeshData3D
Wireframe 3D cone.
auto crosshair2D() -> Trade::MeshData2D
2D crosshair
auto crosshair3D() -> Trade::MeshData3D
3D crosshair
auto cubeSolid() -> Trade::MeshData3D
Solid 3D cube.
auto cubeSolidStrip() -> Trade::MeshData3D
Solid 3D cube as a single strip.
auto cubeWireframe() -> Trade::MeshData3D
Wireframe 3D cube.
auto cylinderSolid(UnsignedInt rings, UnsignedInt segments, Float halfLength, CylinderFlags flags = {}) -> Trade::MeshData3D
Solid 3D cylinder.
auto cylinderWireframe(UnsignedInt rings, UnsignedInt segments, Float halfLength) -> Trade::MeshData3D
Wireframe 3D cylinder.
auto grid3DSolid(const Vector2i& subdivisions, GridFlags flags = GridFlag::GenerateNormals) -> Trade::MeshData3D
3D solid grid
auto grid3DWireframe(const Vector2i& subdivisions) -> Trade::MeshData3D
3D wireframe grid
auto icosphereSolid(UnsignedInt subdivisions) -> Trade::MeshData3D
Solid 3D icosphere.
auto line2D() -> Trade::MeshData2D
2D line
auto line3D() -> Trade::MeshData3D
3D line
auto planeSolid(PlaneTextureCoords textureCoords = PlaneTextureCoords::DontGenerate) -> Trade::MeshData3D
Solid 3D plane.
auto planeWireframe() -> Trade::MeshData3D
Wireframe 3D plane.
auto squareSolid(SquareTextureCoords textureCoords = SquareTextureCoords::DontGenerate) -> Trade::MeshData2D
Solid 2D square.
auto squareWireframe() -> Trade::MeshData2D
Wireframe 2D square.
auto uvSphereSolid(UnsignedInt rings, UnsignedInt segments, UVSphereTextureCoords textureCoords = UVSphereTextureCoords::DontGenerate) -> Trade::MeshData3D
Solid 3D UV sphere.
auto uvSphereWireframe(UnsignedInt rings, UnsignedInt segments) -> Trade::MeshData3D
Wireframe 3D UV sphere.

Enum documentation

enum class Magnum::Primitives::CapsuleTextureCoords: UnsignedByte

Whether to generate capsule texture coordinates.


Don't generate texture coordinates


Generate texture coordinates

enum class Magnum::Primitives::ConeFlag

Cone flag.


Generate texture coordinates


Cap end

enum class Magnum::Primitives::CylinderFlag

Cylinder flag.


Generate texture coordinates


Cap ends

enum class Magnum::Primitives::GridFlag: UnsignedByte

Grid flag.


Generate texture coordinates with origin in bottom left corner.


Generate normals inn positive Z direction. Disable if you'd be generating your own normals anyway (for example based on a heightmap).

enum class Magnum::Primitives::PlaneTextureCoords: UnsignedByte

Whether to generate plane texture coordinates.


Don't generate texture coordinates


Generate texture coordinates with origin in bottom left corner.

enum class Magnum::Primitives::SquareTextureCoords: UnsignedByte

Whether to generate square texture coordinates.


Don't generate texture coordinates


Generate texture coordinates with origin in bottom left corner.

enum class Magnum::Primitives::UVSphereTextureCoords: UnsignedByte

Whether to generate UV sphere texture coordinates.


Don't generate texture coordinates


Generate texture coordinates

Typedef documentation

typedef Containers::EnumSet<ConeFlag> Magnum::Primitives::ConeFlags

Cone flags.

typedef Containers::EnumSet<CylinderFlag> Magnum::Primitives::CylinderFlags

Cylinder flags.

typedef Containers::EnumSet<GridFlag> Magnum::Primitives::GridFlags

Grid flags.

Function documentation

Trade::MeshData2D Magnum::Primitives::axis2D()

2D axis

Two color-coded arrows for visualizing orientation (XY is RG). Indexed MeshPrimitive::Lines with vertex colors.


Trade::MeshData3D Magnum::Primitives::axis3D()

3D axis

Three color-coded arrows for visualizing orientation (XYZ is RGB). Indexed MeshPrimitive::Lines with vertex colors.


Trade::MeshData2D Magnum::Primitives::capsule2DWireframe(UnsignedInt hemisphereRings, UnsignedInt cylinderRings, Float halfLength)

Wireframe 2D capsule.

hemisphereRings Number of (line) rings for each hemisphere. Must be larger or equal to 1.
cylinderRings Number of (line) rings for cylinder. Must be larger or equal to 1.
halfLength Half the length of cylinder part

Cylinder of radius 1.0f along Y axis with hemispheres instead of caps. Indexed MeshPrimitive::Lines.


Trade::MeshData3D Magnum::Primitives::capsule3DSolid(UnsignedInt hemisphereRings, UnsignedInt cylinderRings, UnsignedInt segments, Float halfLength, CapsuleTextureCoords textureCoords = CapsuleTextureCoords::DontGenerate)

Solid 3D capsule.

hemisphereRings Number of (face) rings for each hemisphere. Must be larger or equal to 1.
cylinderRings Number of (face) rings for cylinder. Must be larger or equal to 1.
segments Number of (face) segments. Must be larger or equal to 3.
halfLength Half the length of cylinder part
textureCoords Whether to generate texture coordinates

Cylinder of radius 1.0f along Y axis with hemispheres instead of caps. Indexed MeshPrimitive::Triangles with normals and optional 2D texture coordinates. If texture coordinates are generated, vertices of one segment are duplicated for texture wrapping.


The capsule is by default created with radius set to $ 1.0 $ . In order to get radius $ r $ , length $ l $ and preserve correct normals, set halfLength to $ 0.5 \frac{l}{r} $ and then scale all Trade::MeshData3D::positions() by $ r $ , for example using MeshTools::transformPointsInPlace().

Trade::MeshData3D Magnum::Primitives::capsule3DWireframe(UnsignedInt hemisphereRings, UnsignedInt cylinderRings, UnsignedInt segments, Float halfLength)

Wireframe 3D capsule.

hemisphereRings Number of (line) rings for each hemisphere. Must be larger or equal to 1.
cylinderRings Number of (line) rings for cylinder. Must be larger or equal to 1.
segments Number of line segments. Must be larger or equal to 4 and multiple of 4.
halfLength Half the length of cylinder part

Cylinder of radius 1.0f along Y axis with hemispheres instead of caps. Indexed MeshPrimitive::Lines.


Trade::MeshData2D Magnum::Primitives::circle2DSolid(UnsignedInt segments)

Solid 2D circle.

segments Number of segments. Must be greater or equal to 3.

Circle with radius 1.0f. Non-indexed MeshPrimitive::TriangleFan.


Trade::MeshData2D Magnum::Primitives::circle2DWireframe(UnsignedInt segments)

Wireframe 2D circle.

segments Number of segments. Must be greater or equal to 3.

Circle with radius 1.0f. Non-indexed MeshPrimitive::LineLoop.


Trade::MeshData3D Magnum::Primitives::circle3DSolid(UnsignedInt segments)

Solid 3D circle.

segments Number of segments. Must be greater or equal to 3.

Circle on the XY plane with radius 1.0f. Non-indexed MeshPrimitive::TriangleFan with normals in positive Z direction.


Trade::MeshData3D Magnum::Primitives::circle3DWireframe(UnsignedInt segments)

Wireframe 3D circle.

segments Number of segments. Must be greater or equal to 3.

Circle on the XY plane with radius 1.0f. Non-indexed MeshPrimitive::LineLoop.


Trade::MeshData3D Magnum::Primitives::coneSolid(UnsignedInt rings, UnsignedInt segments, Float halfLength, ConeFlags flags = {})

Solid 3D cone.

rings Number of (face) rings. Must be larger or equal to 1.
segments Number of (face) segments. Must be larger or equal to 3.
halfLength Half the cone length
flags Flags

Cone along Y axis of radius 1.0f. Indexed MeshPrimitive::Triangles. Note that in order to have properly smooth normals over the whole area, the tip consists of segments*2 vertices instead of just one.


The cone is by default created with radius set to $ 1.0 $ . In order to get radius $ r $ , length $ l $ and preserve correct normals, set halfLength to $ 0.5 \frac{l}{r} $ and then scale all Trade::MeshData3D::positions() by $ r $ , for example using MeshTools::transformPointsInPlace().

Trade::MeshData3D Magnum::Primitives::coneWireframe(UnsignedInt segments, Float halfLength)

Wireframe 3D cone.

segments Number of (line) segments. Must be larger or equal to 4 and multiple of 4.
halfLength Half the cone length

Cone along Y axis of radius 1.0f. Indexed MeshPrimitive::Lines.


Trade::MeshData2D Magnum::Primitives::crosshair2D()

2D crosshair

2x2 crosshair (two crossed lines), non-indexed MeshPrimitive::Lines.


Trade::MeshData3D Magnum::Primitives::crosshair3D()

3D crosshair

2x2x2 crosshair (three crossed lines), non-indexed MeshPrimitive::Lines.


Trade::MeshData3D Magnum::Primitives::cubeSolid()

Solid 3D cube.

Indexed MeshPrimitive::Triangles with flat normals.


Trade::MeshData3D Magnum::Primitives::cubeSolidStrip()

Solid 3D cube as a single strip.

Non-indexed MeshPrimitive::TriangleStrip. Just positions, no normals or anything else.


Trade::MeshData3D Magnum::Primitives::cubeWireframe()

Wireframe 3D cube.

Indexed MeshPrimitive::Lines.


Trade::MeshData3D Magnum::Primitives::cylinderSolid(UnsignedInt rings, UnsignedInt segments, Float halfLength, CylinderFlags flags = {})

Solid 3D cylinder.

rings Number of (face) rings. Must be larger or equal to 1.
segments Number of (face) segments. Must be larger or equal to 3.
halfLength Half the cylinder length
flags Flags

Cylinder along Y axis of radius 1.0f. Indexed MeshPrimitive::Triangles with normals, optional 2D texture coordinates and optional capped ends. If texture coordinates are generated, vertices of one segment are duplicated for texture wrapping.


The cylinder is by default created with radius set to $ 1.0 $ . In order to get radius $ r $ , length $ l $ and preserve correct normals, set halfLength to $ 0.5 \frac{l}{r} $ and then scale all Trade::MeshData3D::positions() by $ r $ , for example using MeshTools::transformPointsInPlace().

Trade::MeshData3D Magnum::Primitives::cylinderWireframe(UnsignedInt rings, UnsignedInt segments, Float halfLength)

Wireframe 3D cylinder.

rings Number of (line) rings. Must be larger or equal to 1.
segments Number of (line) segments. Must be larger or equal to 4 and multiple of 4.
halfLength Half the cylinder length

Cylinder along Y axis of radius 1.0f. Indexed MeshPrimitive::Lines.


Trade::MeshData3D Magnum::Primitives::grid3DSolid(const Vector2i& subdivisions, GridFlags flags = GridFlag::GenerateNormals)

3D solid grid

2x2 grid. Indexed MeshPrimitive::Triangles with optional normals and texture coordinates.


The subdivisions parameter describes how many times the plane gets cut in each direction. Specifying {0, 0} will make the result an (indexed) equivalent to planeSolid(); {5, 3} will make the grid have 6 cells horizontally and 4 vertically. In particular, this is different from the subdivisions parameter in icosphereSolid().

Trade::MeshData3D Magnum::Primitives::grid3DWireframe(const Vector2i& subdivisions)

3D wireframe grid

2x2 grid. Indexed MeshPrimitive::Lines.


The subdivisions parameter describes how many times the plane gets cut in each direction. Specifying {0, 0} will make the result an (indexed) equivalent to planeWireframe(); {5, 3} will make the grid have 6 cells horizontally and 4 vertically. In particular, this is different from the subdivisions parameter in icosphereSolid().

Trade::MeshData3D Magnum::Primitives::icosphereSolid(UnsignedInt subdivisions)

Solid 3D icosphere.

subdivisions Number of subdivisions

Sphere with radius 1.0f. Indexed MeshPrimitive::Triangles with normals.


The subdivisions parameter describes how many times is each icosphere triangle subdivided, recursively. Specifying 0 will result in an icosphere with 20 faces, saying 1 will result in an icosphere with 80 faces (each triangle subdivided into four smaller), saying 2 will result in 320 faces and so on. In particular, this is different from the subdivisions parameter in grid3DSolid() or grid3DWireframe().

Trade::MeshData2D Magnum::Primitives::line2D()

2D line

Unit-size line in direction of positive X axis. Non-indexed MeshPrimitive::Lines.


Trade::MeshData3D Magnum::Primitives::line3D()

3D line

Unit-size line in direction of positive X axis. Non-indexed MeshPrimitive::Lines.


Trade::MeshData3D Magnum::Primitives::planeSolid(PlaneTextureCoords textureCoords = PlaneTextureCoords::DontGenerate)

Solid 3D plane.

2x2 plane. Non-indexed MeshPrimitive::TriangleStrip on the XY plane with normals in positive Z direction.


Trade::MeshData3D Magnum::Primitives::planeWireframe()

Wireframe 3D plane.

2x2 plane. Non-indexed MeshPrimitive::LineLoop on the XY plane.


Trade::MeshData2D Magnum::Primitives::squareSolid(SquareTextureCoords textureCoords = SquareTextureCoords::DontGenerate)

Solid 2D square.

2x2 square. Non-indexed MeshPrimitive::TriangleStrip.


Trade::MeshData2D Magnum::Primitives::squareWireframe()

Wireframe 2D square.

2x2 square. Non-indexed MeshPrimitive::LineLoop.


Trade::MeshData3D Magnum::Primitives::uvSphereSolid(UnsignedInt rings, UnsignedInt segments, UVSphereTextureCoords textureCoords = UVSphereTextureCoords::DontGenerate)

Solid 3D UV sphere.

rings Number of (face) rings. Must be larger or equal to 2.
segments Number of (face) segments. Must be larger or equal to 3.
textureCoords Whether to generate texture coordinates

Sphere with radius 1.0f. Indexed MeshPrimitive::Triangles with normals and optional 2D texture coordinates. If texture coordinates are generated, vertices of one segment are duplicated for texture wrapping.


Trade::MeshData3D Magnum::Primitives::uvSphereWireframe(UnsignedInt rings, UnsignedInt segments)

Wireframe 3D UV sphere.

rings Number of (line) rings. Must be larger or equal to 2 and multiple of 2.
segments Number of (line) segments. Must be larger or equal to 4 and multiple of 4.

Sphere with radius 1.0f. Indexed MeshPrimitive::Lines.
