GLOpenGL wrapping layer.
C++11 wrappers around OpenGL objects with state tracking and transparent extension support.
All of this library except GL::WITH_GL
is enabled when building Magnum. To use this library with CMake, you need to request the GL
component of the Magnum
package and link to the Magnum::GL
find_package(Magnum REQUIRED GL) # ... target_link_libraries(your-app Magnum::GL)
See Downloading and building, Usage with CMake and OpenGL for more information.
- namespace Extensions
- Compile-time information about OpenGL extensions.
- class AbstractFramebuffer
- Base for default and named framebuffers.
- class AbstractObject
- Base for all OpenGL objects.
- class AbstractQuery
- Base class for queries.
- class AbstractShaderProgram
- Base for shader program implementations.
- class AbstractTexture
- Base for textures.
template<UnsignedInt location, class T>class Attribute
- Base class for attribute location and type.
- class Buffer
- Buffer.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions>class BufferImage
- Buffer image.
- class BufferTexture
- Buffer texture.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions>class CompressedBufferImage
- Compressed buffer image.
- class Context
- Magnum context.
- class CubeMapTexture
- Cube map texture.
- class CubeMapTextureArray
- Cube map texture array.
- class DebugGroup
- Debug group.
- class DebugMessage
- Debug message.
- class DebugOutput
- Debug output.
- class DefaultFramebuffer
- Default framebuffer.
- class DynamicAttribute
- Base class for dynamic attribute location and type.
- class Extension
- Run-time information about OpenGL extension.
- class Framebuffer
- Framebuffer.
- class Mesh
- Mesh.
- class MeshView
- Mesh view.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions>class MultisampleTexture
- Mulitsample texture.
- class OpenGLTester
- Base class for OpenGL tests and benchmarks.
- class PrimitiveQuery
- Query for primitives.
- class RectangleTexture
- Rectangle texture.
- class Renderbuffer
- Renderbuffer.
- class Renderer
- Global renderer configuration.
- class SampleQuery
- Query for samples.
- class Sampler
- Texture sampler.
- class Shader
- Shader.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions>class Texture
- Texture.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions>class TextureArray
- Texture array.
- class TimeQuery
- Query for elapsed time.
- class TransformFeedback
- Transform feedback.
- enum class FramebufferClear: GLbitfield { Color = GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, Depth = GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT, Stencil = GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT }
- Mask for framebuffer clearing.
- enum class FramebufferBlit: GLbitfield { Color = GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, Depth = GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT, Stencil = GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT }
- Mask for framebuffer blitting.
- enum class FramebufferBlitFilter: GLenum { Nearest = GL_NEAREST, Linear = GL_LINEAR }
- Framebuffer blit filtering.
- enum class FramebufferTarget: GLenum { Read = GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, Draw = GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER }
- Framebuffer target.
- enum class ObjectFlag: UnsignedByte { Created = 1 << 0, DeleteOnDestruction = 1 << 1 }
- Object wrapping flag.
- enum class BufferUsage: GLenum { StreamDraw = GL_STREAM_DRAW, StreamRead = GL_STREAM_READ, StreamCopy = GL_STREAM_COPY, StaticDraw = GL_STATIC_DRAW, StaticRead = GL_STATIC_READ, StaticCopy = GL_STATIC_COPY, DynamicDraw = GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW, DynamicRead = GL_DYNAMIC_READ, DynamicCopy = GL_DYNAMIC_COPY }
- Buffer usage.
- enum class BufferTextureFormat: GLenum { R8 = GL_R8, RG8 = GL_RG8, RGBA8 = GL_RGBA8, R16 = GL_R16, RG16 = GL_RG16, RGBA16 = GL_RGBA16, R8UI = GL_R8UI, RG8UI = GL_RG8UI, RGBA8UI = GL_RGBA8UI, R8I = GL_R8I, RG8I = GL_RG8I, RGBA8I = GL_RGBA8I, R16UI = GL_R16UI, RG16UI = GL_RG16UI, RGBA16UI = GL_RGBA16UI, R16I = GL_R16I, RG16I = GL_RG16I, RGBA16I = GL_RGBA16I, R32UI = GL_R32UI, RG32UI = GL_RG32UI, RGB32UI = GL_RGB32UI, RGBA32UI = GL_RGBA32UI, R32I = GL_R32I, RG32I = GL_RG32I, RGB32I = GL_RGB32I, RGBA32I = GL_RGBA32I, R16F = GL_R16F, RG16F = GL_RG16F, RGBA16F = GL_RGBA16F, R32F = GL_R32F, RG32F = GL_RG32F, RGB32F = GL_RGB32F, RGBA32F = GL_RGBA32F }
- Internal buffer texture format.
- Cube map coordinate.
- enum class ImageAccess: GLenum { ReadOnly = GL_READ_ONLY, WriteOnly = GL_WRITE_ONLY, ReadWrite = GL_READ_WRITE }
- Image access.
- enum class ImageFormat: GLenum { R8 = GL_R8, RG8 = GL_RG8, RGBA8 = GL_RGBA8, R8Snorm = GL_R8_SNORM, RG8Snorm = GL_RG8_SNORM, RGBA8Snorm = GL_RGBA8_SNORM, R16 = GL_R16, RG16 = GL_RG16, RGBA16 = GL_RGBA16, R16Snorm = GL_R16_SNORM, RG16Snorm = GL_RG16_SNORM, RGBA16Snorm = GL_RGBA16_SNORM, R8UI = GL_R8UI, RG8UI = GL_RG8UI, RGBA8UI = GL_RGBA8UI, R8I = GL_R8I, RG8I = GL_RG8I, RGBA8I = GL_RGBA8I, R16UI = GL_R16UI, RG16UI = GL_RG16UI, RGBA16UI = GL_RGBA16UI, R16I = GL_R16I, RG16I = GL_RG16I, RGBA16I = GL_RGBA16I, R32UI = GL_R32UI, RG32UI = GL_RG32UI, RGBA32UI = GL_RGBA32UI, R32I = GL_R32I, RG32I = GL_RG32I, RGBA32I = GL_RGBA32I, R16F = GL_R16F, RG16F = GL_RG16F, RGBA16F = GL_RGBA16F, R32F = GL_R32F, RG32F = GL_RG32F, RGBA32F = GL_RGBA32F, R11FG11FB10F = GL_R11F_G11F_B10F, RGB10A2 = GL_RGB10_A2, RGB10A2UI = GL_RGB10_A2UI }
- Image format.
- enum class MeshPrimitive: GLenum { Points = GL_POINTS, Lines = GL_LINES, LineLoop = GL_LINE_LOOP, LineStrip = GL_LINE_STRIP, LinesAdjacency = GL_LINES_ADJACENCY, LineStripAdjacency = GL_LINE_STRIP_ADJACENCY, Triangles = GL_TRIANGLES, TriangleStrip = GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, TriangleFan = GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, TrianglesAdjacency = GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY, TriangleStripAdjacency = GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY, Patches = GL_PATCHES }
- Mesh primitive type.
- enum class MeshIndexType: GLenum { UnsignedByte = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, UnsignedShort = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, UnsignedInt = GL_UNSIGNED_INT }
- Index type.
- enum class MultisampleTextureSampleLocations: GLboolean { NotFixed = GL_FALSE, Fixed = GL_TRUE }
- Multisample texture sample locations.
- enum class PixelFormat: GLenum { Red = GL_RED, Green = GL_GREEN, Blue = GL_BLUE, Luminance = GL_LUMINANCE, RG = GL_RG, LuminanceAlpha = GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, RGB = GL_RGB, RGBA = GL_RGBA, BGR = GL_BGR, BGRA = GL_BGRA, SRGB = GL_SRGB_EXT, SRGBAlpha = GL_SRGB_ALPHA_EXT, RedInteger = GL_RED_INTEGER, GreenInteger = GL_GREEN_INTEGER, BlueInteger = GL_BLUE_INTEGER, RGInteger = GL_RG_INTEGER, RGBInteger = GL_RGB_INTEGER, RGBAInteger = GL_RGBA_INTEGER, BGRInteger = GL_BGR_INTEGER, BGRAInteger = GL_BGRA_INTEGER, DepthComponent = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, StencilIndex = GL_STENCIL_INDEX, DepthStencil = GL_DEPTH_STENCIL }
- Format of pixel data.
- enum class PixelType: GLenum { UnsignedByte = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, Byte = GL_BYTE, UnsignedShort = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, Short = GL_SHORT, UnsignedInt = GL_UNSIGNED_INT, Int = GL_INT, HalfFloat = GL_HALF_FLOAT, Float = GL_FLOAT, UnsignedByte332 = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2, UnsignedByte233Rev = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_3_3_REV, UnsignedShort565 = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5, UnsignedShort565Rev = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV, UnsignedShort4444 = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4, UnsignedShort4444Rev = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV, UnsignedShort5551 = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1, UnsignedShort1555Rev = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV, UnsignedInt8888 = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8, UnsignedInt8888Rev = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV, UnsignedInt1010102 = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2, UnsignedInt2101010Rev = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV, UnsignedInt10F11F11FRev = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV, UnsignedInt5999Rev = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV, UnsignedInt248 = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8, Float32UnsignedInt248Rev = GL_FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV }
- Type of pixel data.
- Format of compressed pixel data.
- enum class RenderbufferFormat: GLenum { Red = GL_RED, R8 = GL_R8, RG = GL_RG, RG8 = GL_RG8, RGBA = GL_RGBA, RGBA8 = GL_RGBA8, R16 = GL_R16, RG16 = GL_RG16, RGB16 = GL_RGB16, RGBA16 = GL_RGBA16, R8UI = GL_R8UI, RG8UI = GL_RG8UI, RGBA8UI = GL_RGBA8UI, R8I = GL_R8I, RG8I = GL_RG8I, RGBA8I = GL_RGBA8I, R16UI = GL_R16UI, RG16UI = GL_RG16UI, RGBA16UI = GL_RGBA16UI, R16I = GL_R16I, RG16I = GL_RG16I, RGBA16I = GL_RGBA16I, R32UI = GL_R32UI, RG32UI = GL_RG32UI, RGBA32UI = GL_RGBA32UI, R32I = GL_R32I, RG32I = GL_RG32I, RGBA32I = GL_RGBA32I, R16F = GL_R16F, RG16F = GL_RG16F, RGBA16F = GL_RGBA16F, R32F = GL_R32F, RG32F = GL_RG32F, RGBA32F = GL_RGBA32F, RGB10A2 = GL_RGB10_A2, RGB10A2UI = GL_RGB10_A2UI, RGB5A1 = GL_RGB5_A1, RGBA4 = GL_RGBA4, R11FG11FB10F = GL_R11F_G11F_B10F, RGB565 = GL_RGB565, SRGB8Alpha8 = GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8, DepthComponent = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, DepthComponent16 = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16, DepthComponent24 = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24, DepthComponent32 = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32, DepthComponent32F = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F, StencilIndex = GL_STENCIL_INDEX, StencilIndex1 = GL_STENCIL_INDEX1, StencilIndex4 = GL_STENCIL_INDEX4, StencilIndex8 = GL_STENCIL_INDEX8, StencilIndex16 = GL_STENCIL_INDEX16, DepthStencil = GL_DEPTH_STENCIL, Depth24Stencil8 = GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8, Depth32FStencil8 = GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8 }
- Internal renderbuffer format.
- enum class SamplerFilter: GLint { Nearest = GL_NEAREST, Linear = GL_LINEAR }
- Texture sampler filtering.
- Texture sampler mip level selection.
- enum class SamplerWrapping: GLint { Repeat = GL_REPEAT, MirroredRepeat = GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT, ClampToEdge = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, ClampToBorder = GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER, MirrorClampToEdge = GL_MIRROR_CLAMP_TO_EDGE }
- Texture sampler wrapping.
- enum class SamplerCompareMode: GLenum { None = GL_NONE, CompareRefToTexture = GL_COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE }
- Depth texture comparison mode.
- enum class SamplerCompareFunction: GLenum { Never = GL_NEVER, Always = GL_ALWAYS, Less = GL_LESS, LessOrEqual = GL_LEQUAL, Equal = GL_EQUAL, NotEqual = GL_NOTEQUAL, GreaterOrEqual = GL_GEQUAL, Greater = GL_GREATER }
- Texture sampler depth comparison function.
- enum class SamplerDepthStencilMode: GLenum { DepthComponent = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, StencilIndex = GL_STENCIL_INDEX }
- Texture sampler depth/stencil mode.
- enum class TextureFormat: GLenum { Red = GL_RED, R8 = GL_R8, RG = GL_RG, RG8 = GL_RG8, RGB = GL_RGB, RGB8 = GL_RGB8, RGBA = GL_RGBA, RGBA8 = GL_RGBA8, R8Snorm = GL_R8_SNORM, RG8Snorm = GL_RG8_SNORM, RGB8Snorm = GL_RGB8_SNORM, RGBA8Snorm = GL_RGBA8_SNORM, R16 = GL_R16, RG16 = GL_RG16, RGB16 = GL_RGB16, RGBA16 = GL_RGBA16, R16Snorm = GL_R16_SNORM, RG16Snorm = GL_RG16_SNORM, RGB16Snorm = GL_RGB16_SNORM, RGBA16Snorm = GL_RGBA16_SNORM, R8UI = GL_R8UI, RG8UI = GL_RG8UI, RGB8UI = GL_RGB8UI, RGBA8UI = GL_RGBA8UI, R8I = GL_R8I, RG8I = GL_RG8I, RGB8I = GL_RGB8I, RGBA8I = GL_RGBA8I, R16UI = GL_R16UI, RG16UI = GL_RG16UI, RGB16UI = GL_RGB16UI, RGBA16UI = GL_RGBA16UI, R16I = GL_R16I, RG16I = GL_RG16I, RGB16I = GL_RGB16I, RGBA16I = GL_RGBA16I, R32UI = GL_R32UI, RG32UI = GL_RG32UI, RGB32UI = GL_RGB32UI, RGBA32UI = GL_RGBA32UI, R32I = GL_R32I, RG32I = GL_RG32I, RGB32I = GL_RGB32I, RGBA32I = GL_RGBA32I, R16F = GL_R16F, RG16F = GL_RG16F, RGB16F = GL_RGB16F, RGBA16F = GL_RGBA16F, R32F = GL_R32F, RG32F = GL_RG32F, RGB32F = GL_RGB32F, RGBA32F = GL_RGBA32F, Luminance = GL_LUMINANCE, LuminanceAlpha = GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, R3B3G2 = GL_R3_G3_B2, RGB4 = GL_RGB4, RGB5 = GL_RGB5, RGB565 = GL_RGB565, RGB10 = GL_RGB10, RGB12 = GL_RGB12, R11FG11FB10F = GL_R11F_G11F_B10F, RGB9E5 = GL_RGB9_E5, SRGB = GL_SRGB, SRGB8 = GL_SRGB8, RGBA2 = GL_RGBA2, RGBA4 = GL_RGBA4, RGB5A1 = GL_RGB5_A1, RGB10A2 = GL_RGB10_A2, RGB10A2UI = GL_RGB10_A2UI, RGBA12 = GL_RGBA12, SRGBAlpha = GL_SRGB_ALPHA, SRGB8Alpha8 = GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8, CompressedRed = GL_COMPRESSED_RED, CompressedRG = GL_COMPRESSED_RG, CompressedRGB = GL_COMPRESSED_RGB, CompressedRGBA = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA, CompressedRedRgtc1 = GL_COMPRESSED_RED_RGTC1, CompressedRGRgtc2 = GL_COMPRESSED_RG_RGTC2, CompressedSignedRedRgtc1 = GL_COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RED_RGTC1, CompressedSignedRGRgtc2 = GL_COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG_RGTC2, CompressedRGBBptcUnsignedFloat = GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_UNSIGNED_FLOAT, CompressedRGBBptcSignedFloat = GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_BPTC_SIGNED_FLOAT, CompressedRGBABptcUnorm = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_BPTC_UNORM, CompressedSRGBAlphaBptcUnorm = GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA_BPTC_UNORM, CompressedRGB8Etc2 = GL_COMPRESSED_RGB8_ETC2, CompressedSRGB8Etc2 = GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ETC2, CompressedRGB8PunchthroughAlpha1Etc2 = GL_COMPRESSED_RGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2, CompressedSRGB8PunchthroughAlpha1Etc2 = GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_PUNCHTHROUGH_ALPHA1_ETC2, CompressedRGBA8Etc2Eac = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA8_ETC2_EAC, CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Etc2Eac = GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ETC2_EAC, CompressedR11Eac = GL_COMPRESSED_R11_EAC, CompressedSignedR11Eac = GL_COMPRESSED_SIGNED_R11_EAC, CompressedRG11Eac = GL_COMPRESSED_RG11_EAC, CompressedSignedRG11Eac = GL_COMPRESSED_SIGNED_RG11_EAC, CompressedRGBS3tcDxt1 = GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT, CompressedRGBAS3tcDxt1 = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT, CompressedRGBAS3tcDxt3 = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT, CompressedRGBAS3tcDxt5 = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT, CompressedRGBAAstc4x4 = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_4x4_KHR, CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc4x4 = GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_4x4_KHR, CompressedRGBAAstc5x4 = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_5x4_KHR, CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc5x4 = GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x4_KHR, CompressedRGBAAstc5x5 = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_5x5_KHR, CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc5x5 = GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_5x5_KHR, CompressedRGBAAstc6x5 = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_6x5_KHR, CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc6x5 = GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x5_KHR, CompressedRGBAAstc6x6 = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_6x6_KHR, CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc6x6 = GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_6x6_KHR, CompressedRGBAAstc8x5 = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x5_KHR, CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc8x5 = GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x5_KHR, CompressedRGBAAstc8x6 = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x6_KHR, CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc8x6 = GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x6_KHR, CompressedRGBAAstc8x8 = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_8x8_KHR, CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc8x8 = GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_8x8_KHR, CompressedRGBAAstc10x5 = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x5_KHR, CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc10x5 = GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x5_KHR, CompressedRGBAAstc10x6 = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x6_KHR, CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc10x6 = GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x6_KHR, CompressedRGBAAstc10x8 = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x8_KHR, CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc10x8 = GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x8_KHR, CompressedRGBAAstc10x10 = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_10x10_KHR, CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc10x10 = GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_10x10_KHR, CompressedRGBAAstc12x10 = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_12x10_KHR, CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc12x10 = GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x10_KHR, CompressedRGBAAstc12x12 = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ASTC_12x12_KHR, CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc12x12 = GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB8_ALPHA8_ASTC_12x12_KHR, DepthComponent = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, DepthComponent16 = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16, DepthComponent24 = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24, DepthComponent32 = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32, DepthComponent32F = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F, StencilIndex8 = GL_STENCIL_INDEX8, DepthStencil = GL_DEPTH_STENCIL, Depth24Stencil8 = GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8, Depth32FStencil8 = GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8 }
- Internal texture format.
- enum class Version: Int { None = 0xFFFF, GL210 = 210, GL300 = 300, GL310 = 310, GL320 = 320, GL330 = 330, GL400 = 400, GL410 = 410, GL420 = 420, GL430 = 430, GL440 = 440, GL450 = 450, GL460 = 460, GLES200 = Implementation::VersionESMask|200, GLES300 = Implementation::VersionESMask|300, GLES310 = Implementation::VersionESMask|310, GLES320 = Implementation::VersionESMask|320 }
- OpenGL version.
using FramebufferClearMask = Containers::
EnumSet<FramebufferClear> - Mask for clearing.
using FramebufferBlitMask = Containers::
EnumSet<FramebufferBlit> - Mask for framebuffer blitting.
using ObjectFlags = Containers::
EnumSet<ObjectFlag> - Object wrapping flags.
- using BufferImage1D = BufferImage<1>
- One-dimensional buffer image.
- using BufferImage2D = BufferImage<2>
- Two-dimensional buffer image.
- using BufferImage3D = BufferImage<3>
- Three-dimensional buffer image.
- using CompressedBufferImage1D = CompressedBufferImage<1>
- One-dimensional compressed buffer image.
- using CompressedBufferImage2D = CompressedBufferImage<2>
- Two-dimensional compressed buffer image.
- using CompressedBufferImage3D = CompressedBufferImage<3>
- Three-dimensional compressed buffer image.
- using MultisampleTexture2D = MultisampleTexture<2>
- Two-dimensional multisample texture.
- using MultisampleTexture2DArray = MultisampleTexture<3>
- Two-dimensional multisample texture array.
- using Texture1D = Texture<1>
- One-dimensional texture.
- using Texture2D = Texture<2>
- Two-dimensional texture.
- using Texture3D = Texture<3>
- Three-dimensional texture.
- using Texture1DArray = TextureArray<1>
- One-dimensional texture array.
- using Texture2DArray = TextureArray<2>
- Two-dimensional texture array.
template<class T>auto operator<<(Debug& debug, Attribute<T>::Components) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
template<class T>auto operator<<(Debug& debug, Attribute<T>::DataType) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
TargetHint value) -> Debug& - Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
Target value) -> Debug& - Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
Flag value) -> Debug& - Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
Flags value) -> Debug& - Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
DetectedDriver value) -> Debug& - Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
DetectedDrivers value) -> Debug& - Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
Source value) -> Debug& - Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
Type value) -> Debug& - Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
Severity value) -> Debug& - Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
Source value) -> Debug& - Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
Type value) -> Debug& - Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
Source value) -> Debug& - Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
Status value) -> Debug& - Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
Status value) -> Debug& - Debug output operator.
auto meshPrimitive(Magnum::
MeshPrimitive) -> MeshPrimitive - Convert generic mesh primitive to OpenGL mesh primitive.
auto meshIndexType(Magnum::
MeshIndexType) -> MeshIndexType - Convert generic mesh index type to OpenGL mesh index type.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, MeshPrimitive value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, MeshIndexType value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
auto hasPixelFormat(Magnum::
PixelFormat format) -> bool - Check availability of a generic pixel format.
auto pixelFormat(Magnum::
PixelFormat format) -> PixelFormat - Convert a generic pixel format to OpenGL pixel format.
auto pixelType(Magnum::
PixelFormat format, UnsignedInt extra = 0) -> PixelType - Convert a generic pixel type to OpenGL pixel type.
- auto pixelSize(PixelFormat format, PixelType type) -> UnsignedInt
- Pixel size for given format/type combination (in bytes)
auto pixelSize(Magnum::
PixelFormat format, PixelType type) -> UnsignedInt deprecated - Pixel size for given format/type combination (in bytes)
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, PixelFormat value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, PixelType value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
auto hasCompressedPixelFormat(Magnum::
CompressedPixelFormat format) -> bool - Check availability of generic compressed pixel format.
auto compressedPixelFormat(Magnum::
CompressedPixelFormat format) -> CompressedPixelFormat - Convert generic compressed pixel format to OpenGL compressed pixel format.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, CompressedPixelFormat value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
Error value) -> Debug& - Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
ResetNotificationStrategy value) -> Debug& - Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
GraphicsResetStatus value) -> Debug& - Debug output operator.
auto samplerFilter(Magnum::
SamplerFilter filter) -> SamplerFilter - Convert generic texture sampler filter mode to OpenGL filter mode.
auto samplerMipmap(Magnum::
SamplerMipmap mipmap) -> SamplerMipmap - Convert generic sampler filter mode to OpenGL filter mode.
auto hasSamplerWrapping(Magnum::
SamplerWrapping wrappomg) -> bool - Check availability of a generic sampler wrapping mode.
auto samplerWrapping(Magnum::
SamplerWrapping wrapping) -> SamplerWrapping - Convert generic sampler filter mode to OpenGL filter mode.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, SamplerFilter value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, SamplerMipmap value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions>auto samplerWrapping(const Array<dimensions, Magnum::
SamplerWrapping>& wrapping) -> Array<dimensions, SamplerWrapping> - auto operator<<(Debug& debug, SamplerWrapping value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, SamplerCompareMode value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, SamplerCompareFunction value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, SamplerDepthStencilMode value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug,
Type value) -> Debug& - Debug output operator.
- auto version(Int major, Int minor) -> Version constexpr
- Enum value from major and minor version number.
auto version(Version version) -> std::
pair<Int, Int> - Major and minor version number from enum value.
- auto isVersionES(Version version) -> bool constexpr
- Whether given version is OpenGL ES or WebGL.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, Version value) -> Debug&
- Debug output operator.
- DefaultFramebuffer defaultFramebuffer
- Default framebuffer instance.
Enum documentation
enum class Magnum:: GL:: FramebufferClear: GLbitfield
Mask for framebuffer clearing.
Enumerators | |
Color |
Color buffer |
Depth |
Depth buffer |
Stencil |
Stencil buffer |
enum class Magnum:: GL:: FramebufferBlit: GLbitfield
Mask for framebuffer blitting.
Enumerators | |
Color |
Color buffer |
Depth |
Depth buffer |
Stencil |
Stencil buffer |
enum class Magnum:: GL:: FramebufferBlitFilter: GLenum
Framebuffer blit filtering.
Enumerators | |
Nearest |
Nearest neighbor filtering |
Linear |
Linear interpolation filtering |
enum class Magnum:: GL:: FramebufferTarget: GLenum
Framebuffer target.
Enumerators | |
Read |
Frambebuffer reading target |
Draw |
Framebuffer drawing target |
enum class Magnum:: GL:: ObjectFlag: UnsignedByte
Object wrapping flag.
Enumerators | |
Created |
The object is known to be already created, either by using |
DeleteOnDestruction |
Delete the object on destruction. |
enum class Magnum:: GL:: BufferUsage: GLenum
Buffer usage.
Enumerators | |
StreamDraw |
Set once by the application and used infrequently for drawing. |
StreamRead |
Set once as output from an OpenGL command and used infequently for drawing. |
StreamCopy |
Set once as output from an OpenGL command and used infrequently for drawing or copying to other buffers. |
StaticDraw |
Set once by the application and used frequently for drawing. |
StaticRead |
Set once as output from an OpenGL command and queried many times by the application. |
StaticCopy |
Set once as output from an OpenGL command and used frequently for drawing or copying to other buffers. |
DynamicDraw |
Updated frequently by the application and used frequently for drawing or copying to other images. |
DynamicRead |
Updated frequently as output from OpenGL command and queried many times from the application. |
DynamicCopy |
Updated frequently as output from OpenGL command and used frequently for drawing or copying to other images. |
enum class Magnum:: GL:: BufferTextureFormat: GLenum
Internal buffer texture format.
Enumerators | |
R8 |
Red component, normalized unsigned byte. |
RG8 |
Red and green component, each normalized unsigned byte. |
RGBA, each component normalized unsigned byte. |
R16 |
Red component, normalized unsigned short. |
RG16 |
Red and green component, each normalized unsigned short. |
RGBA16 |
RGBA, each component normalized unsigned short. |
R8UI |
Red component, non-normalized unsigned byte. |
Red and green component, each non-normalized unsigned byte. |
RGBA, each component non-normalized unsigned byte. |
R8I |
Red component, non-normalized signed byte. |
RG8I |
Red and green component, each non-normalized signed byte. |
RGBA, each component non-normalized signed byte. |
R16UI |
Red component, non-normalized unsigned short. |
RG16UI |
Red and green component, each non-normalized unsigned short. |
RGBA, each component non-normalized unsigned short. |
R16I |
Red component, non-normalized signed short. |
RG16I |
Red and green component, each non-normalized signed short. |
RGBA, each component non-normalized signed short. |
R32UI |
Red component, non-normalized unsigned int. |
RG32UI |
Red and green component, each non-normalized unsigned int. |
RGB, each component non-normalized unsigned int. |
RGBA, each component non-normalized unsigned int. |
R32I |
Red component, non-normalized signed int. |
RG32I |
Red and green component, each non-normalized signed int. |
RGB32I |
RGB, each component non-normalized signed int. |
RGBA, each component non-normalized signed int. |
R16F |
Red component, half float. |
RG16F |
Red and green component, each half float. |
RGBA, each component half float. |
R32F |
Red component, float. |
RG32F |
Red and green component, each float. |
RGB32F |
RGB, each component float. |
RGBA, each component float. |
enum class Magnum:: GL:: ImageFormat: GLenum
Image format.
Enumerators | |
R8 |
Red component, normalized unsigned byte. |
RG8 |
Red and green component, each normalized unsigned byte. |
RGBA, each component normalized unsigned byte. |
R8Snorm |
Red component, normalized signed byte. |
RG8Snorm |
Red and green component, each normalized signed byte. |
RGBA8Snorm |
RGBA, each component normalized unsigned byte. |
R16 |
Red component, normalized unsigned short. |
RG16 |
Red and green component, each normalized unsigned short. |
RGBA16 |
RGBA, each component normalized unsigned short. |
R16Snorm |
Red component, normalized signed short. |
RG16Snorm |
Red and green component, each normalized signed short. |
RGBA16Snorm |
RGBA, each component normalized unsigned short. |
R8UI |
Red component, non-normalized unsigned byte. |
Red and green component, each non-normalized unsigned byte. |
RGBA, each component non-normalized unsigned byte. |
R8I |
Red component, non-normalized signed byte. |
RG8I |
Red and green component, each non-normalized signed byte. |
RGBA, each component non-normalized signed byte. |
R16UI |
Red component, non-normalized unsigned short. |
RG16UI |
Red and green component, each non-normalized unsigned short. |
RGBA, each component non-normalized unsigned short. |
R16I |
Red component, non-normalized signed short. |
RG16I |
Red and green component, each non-normalized signed short. |
RGBA, each component non-normalized signed short. |
R32UI |
Red component, non-normalized unsigned int. |
RG32UI |
Red and green component, each non-normalized unsigned int. |
RGBA, each component non-normalized unsigned int. |
R32I |
Red component, non-normalized signed int. |
RG32I |
Red and green component, each non-normalized signed int. |
RGBA, each component non-normalized signed int. |
R16F |
Red component, half float. |
RG16F |
Red and green component, each half float. |
RGBA, each component half float. |
R32F |
Red component, float. |
RG32F |
Red and green component, each float. |
RGBA, each component float. |
R11FG11FB10F |
RGB, float, red and green component 11bit, blue 10bit. |
RGB10A2 |
RGBA, normalized unsigned, each RGB component 10bit, alpha 2bit. |
RGBA, non-normalized unsigned, each RGB component 10bit, alpha 2bit. |
enum class Magnum:: GL:: MeshPrimitive: GLenum
Mesh primitive type.
Enumerators | |
Points |
Single points. |
Lines |
Each pair of vertices defines a single line, lines aren't connected together. |
LineLoop |
Line strip, last and first vertex are connected together. |
LineStrip |
First two vertices define first line segment, each following vertex defines another segment. |
LinesAdjacency |
Lines with adjacency information. |
LineStripAdjacency |
Line strip with adjacency information. |
Triangles |
Each three vertices define one triangle. |
TriangleStrip |
First three vertices define first triangle, each following vertex defines another triangle. |
TriangleFan |
First vertex is center, each following vertex is connected to previous and center vertex. |
TrianglesAdjacency |
Triangles with adjacency information. |
TriangleStripAdjacency |
Triangle strip with adjacency information. |
Patches |
Patches. |
enum class Magnum:: GL:: MeshIndexType: GLenum
Index type.
Enumerators | |
UnsignedByte |
Unsigned byte |
UnsignedShort |
Unsigned short |
UnsignedInt |
Unsigned int |
enum class Magnum:: GL:: MultisampleTextureSampleLocations: GLboolean
Multisample texture sample locations.
Enumerators | |
NotFixed |
Not fixed |
Fixed |
Fixed |
enum class Magnum:: GL:: PixelFormat: GLenum
Format of pixel data.
Note that some formats can be used only for framebuffer reading (using AbstractFramebuffer::
In most cases you may want to use PixelFormat::
Enumerators | |
Red |
Floating-point red channel. |
Green |
Floating-point green channel. |
Blue |
Floating-point blue channel. |
Luminance |
Floating-point luminance channel. The value is used for all RGB channels. |
RG |
Floating-point red and green channel. |
LuminanceAlpha |
Floating-point luminance and alpha channel. First value is used for all RGB channels, second value is used for alpha channel. |
Floating-point RGB. |
Floating-point RGBA. |
Floating-point BGR. |
Floating-point BGRA. |
Floating-point sRGB. |
SRGBAlpha |
Floating-point sRGB + alpha. |
RedInteger |
Integer red channel. |
GreenInteger |
Integer green channel. |
BlueInteger |
Integer blue channel. |
RGInteger |
Integer red and green channel. |
RGBInteger |
Integer RGB. |
RGBAInteger |
Integer RGBA. |
BGRInteger |
Integer BGR. |
BGRAInteger |
Integer BGRA. |
DepthComponent |
Depth component. |
StencilIndex |
Stencil index. |
DepthStencil |
Depth and stencil. |
enum class Magnum:: GL:: PixelType: GLenum
Type of pixel data.
Note that some formats can be used only for framebuffer reading (using AbstractFramebuffer::
In most cases you may want to use PixelType::
Enumerators | |
UnsignedByte |
Each component unsigned byte. |
Byte |
Each component signed byte. |
UnsignedShort |
Each component unsigned short. |
Short |
Each component signed short. |
UnsignedInt |
Each component unsigned int. |
Int |
Each component signed int. |
HalfFloat |
Each component half float. |
Float |
Each component float. |
UnsignedByte332 |
RGB, unsigned byte, red and green component 3bit, blue component 2bit. |
UnsignedByte233Rev |
BGR, unsigned byte, red and green component 3bit, blue component 2bit. |
UnsignedShort565 |
RGB, unsigned byte, red and blue component 5bit, green 6bit. |
UnsignedShort565Rev |
BGR, unsigned short, red and blue 5bit, green 6bit. |
UnsignedShort4444 |
RGBA, unsigned short, each component 4bit. |
UnsignedShort4444Rev |
ABGR, unsigned short, each component 4bit. |
UnsignedShort5551 |
RGBA, unsigned short, each RGB component 5bit, alpha component 1bit. |
UnsignedShort1555Rev |
ABGR, unsigned short, each RGB component 5bit, alpha component 1bit. |
UnsignedInt8888 |
RGBA, unsigned int, each component 8bit. |
UnsignedInt8888Rev |
ABGR, unsigned int, each component 8bit. |
UnsignedInt1010102 |
RGBA, unsigned int, each RGB component 10bit, alpha component 2bit. |
UnsignedInt2101010Rev |
ABGR, unsigned int, each RGB component 10bit, alpha component 2bit. |
UnsignedInt10F11F11FRev |
BGR, unsigned int, red and green 11bit float, blue 10bit float. |
UnsignedInt5999Rev |
BGR, unsigned int, each component 9bit + 5bit exponent. |
UnsignedInt248 |
Unsigned int, depth component 24bit, stencil index 8bit. |
Float32UnsignedInt248Rev |
Float + unsigned int, depth component 32bit float, 24bit gap, stencil index 8bit. |
enum class Magnum:: GL:: CompressedPixelFormat: GLenum
Format of compressed pixel data.
Equivalent to Compressed*
values of TextureFormat enum.
Enumerators | |
Red |
Compressed red channel, normalized unsigned. |
RG |
Compressed red and green channel, normalized unsigned. |
Compressed RGB, normalized unsigned. |
Compressed RGBA, normalized unsigned. |
RedRgtc1 |
RGTC compressed red channel, normalized unsigned. Available only for 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGRgtc2 |
RGTC compressed red and green channel, normalized unsigned. Available only for 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
SignedRedRgtc1 |
RGTC compressed red channel, normalized signed. Available only for 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
SignedRGRgtc2 |
RGTC compressed red and green channel, normalized signed. Available only for 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGBBptcUnsignedFloat |
BPTC compressed RGB, unsigned float. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGBBptcSignedFloat |
BPTC compressed RGB, signed float. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGBABptcUnorm |
BPTC compressed RGBA, normalized unsigned. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
SRGBAlphaBptcUnorm |
BPTC compressed sRGBA, normalized unsigned. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGB8Etc2 |
ETC2 compressed RGB, normalized unsigned. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
SRGB8Etc2 |
ETC2 compressed sRGB, normalized unsigned. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGB8PunchthroughAlpha1Etc2 |
ETC2 compressed RGB with punchthrough (single-bit) alpha, normalized unsigned. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
SRGB8PunchthroughAlpha1Etc2 |
ETC2 compressed sRGB with punchthrough (single-bit) alpha, normalized unsigned. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGBA8Etc2Eac |
ETC2/EAC compressed RGBA, normalized unsigned. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
SRGB8Alpha8Etc2Eac |
ETC2/EAC compressed sRGB with alpha, normalized unsigned. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
R11Eac |
EAC compressed red channel, normalized unsigned. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
SignedR11Eac |
EAC compressed red channel, normalized signed. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RG11Eac |
EAC compressed red and green channel, normalized unsigned. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
SignedRG11Eac |
EAC compressed red and green channel, normalized signed. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGBS3tcDxt1 |
S3TC DXT1 compressed RGB. Available only for 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGBAS3tcDxt1 |
S3TC DXT1 compressed RGBA. Available only for 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGBAS3tcDxt3 |
S3TC DXT3 compressed RGBA. Available only for 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGBAS3tcDxt5 |
S3TC DXT5 compressed RGBA. Available only for 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGBAAstc4x4 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 4x4 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc4x4 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 4x4 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGBAAstc5x4 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 5x4 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc5x4 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 5x4 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGBAAstc5x5 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 5x5 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc5x5 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 5x5 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGBAAstc6x5 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 6x5 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc6x5 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 6x5 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGBAAstc6x6 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 6x6 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc6x6 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 6x6 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGBAAstc8x5 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 8x5 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc8x5 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 8x5 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGBAAstc8x6 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 8x6 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc8x6 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 8x6 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGBAAstc8x8 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 8x8 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc8x8 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 8x8 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGBAAstc10x5 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 10x5 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc10x5 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 10x5 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGBAAstc10x6 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 10x6 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc10x6 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 10x6 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGBAAstc10x8 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 10x8 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc10x8 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 10x8 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGBAAstc10x10 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 10x10 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc10x10 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 10x10 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGBAAstc12x10 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 12x10 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc12x10 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 12x10 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
RGBAAstc12x12 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 12x12 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
SRGB8Alpha8Astc12x12 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 12x12 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
enum class Magnum:: GL:: RenderbufferFormat: GLenum
Internal renderbuffer format.
Enumerators | |
Red |
Red component, normalized unsigned, size implementation-dependent. |
R8 |
Red component, normalized unsigned byte. |
RG |
Red and green component, normalized unsigned, size implementation-dependent. |
RG8 |
Red and green component, each normalized unsigned byte. |
RGBA, normalized unsigned, size implementation-dependent. |
RGBA, each component normalized unsigned byte. |
R16 |
Red component, normalized unsigned short. |
RG16 |
Red and green component, each normalized unsigned short. |
RGB16 |
RGB, each component normalized unsigned short. |
RGBA16 |
RGBA, each component normalized unsigned short. |
R8UI |
Red component, non-normalized unsigned byte. |
Red and green component, each non-normalized unsigned byte. |
RGBA, each component non-normalized unsigned byte. |
R8I |
Red component, non-normalized signed byte. |
RG8I |
Red and green component, each non-normalized signed byte. |
RGBA, each component non-normalized signed byte. |
R16UI |
Red component, non-normalized unsigned short. |
RG16UI |
Red and green component, each non-normalized unsigned short. |
RGBA, each component non-normalized unsigned short. |
R16I |
Red component, non-normalized signed short. |
RG16I |
Red and green component, each non-normalized signed short. |
RGBA, each component non-normalized signed short. |
R32UI |
Red component, non-normalized unsigned int. |
RG32UI |
Red and green component, each non-normalized unsigned int. |
RGBA, each component non-normalized unsigned int. |
R32I |
Red component, non-normalized signed int. |
RG32I |
Red and green component, each non-normalized signed int. |
RGBA, each component non-normalized signed int. |
R16F |
Red component, half float. |
RG16F |
Red and green component, each half float. |
RGBA, each component half float. |
R32F |
Red component, float. |
RG32F |
Red and green component, each float. |
RGBA, each component float. |
RGB10A2 |
RGBA, normalized unsigned, each RGB component 10bit, alpha 2bit. |
RGBA, non-normalized unsigned, each RGB component 10bit, alpha 2bit. |
RGB5A1 |
RGBA, normalized unsigned, each RGB component 5bit, alpha 1bit. |
RGBA, normalized unsigned, each component 4bit. |
R11FG11FB10F |
RGB, float, red and green 11bit, blue 10bit. |
RGB565 |
RGB, normalized unsigned, red and blue 5bit, green 6bit. |
SRGB8Alpha8 |
sRGBA, each component normalized unsigned byte. |
DepthComponent |
Depth component, size implementation-dependent. |
DepthComponent16 |
Depth component, 16bit. |
DepthComponent24 |
Depth component, 24bit. |
DepthComponent32 |
Depth component, 32bit. |
DepthComponent32F |
Depth component, 32bit float. |
StencilIndex |
Stencil index, size implementation-dependent. |
StencilIndex1 |
1-bit stencil index. |
StencilIndex4 |
4-bit stencil index. |
StencilIndex8 |
8-bit stencil index. |
StencilIndex16 |
16-bit stencil index. |
DepthStencil |
Depth and stencil component, size implementation-dependent. |
Depth24Stencil8 |
24bit depth and 8bit stencil component. |
Depth32FStencil8 |
32bit float depth component and 8bit stencil component. |
enum class Magnum:: GL:: SamplerFilter: GLint
Texture sampler filtering.
Enumerators | |
Nearest |
Nearest neighbor filtering |
Linear |
Linear interpolation filtering. Can't be used with integer texture formats. |
enum class Magnum:: GL:: SamplerMipmap: GLint
Texture sampler mip level selection.
Enumerators | |
Base |
Select base mip level |
Nearest |
Select nearest mip level. Unavailable on rectangle textures. |
Linear |
Linear interpolation of nearest mip levels. Unavailable on rectangle textures. |
enum class Magnum:: GL:: SamplerWrapping: GLint
Texture sampler wrapping.
Enumerators | |
Repeat |
Repeat texture. Unavailable on rectangle textures. |
MirroredRepeat |
Repeat mirrored texture. Unavailable on rectangle textures. |
ClampToEdge |
Clamp to edge. Coordinates out of the range will be clamped to first / last column / row in given direction. |
ClampToBorder |
Clamp to border color. Coordinates out of range will be clamped to border color (set with *Texture:: |
MirrorClampToEdge |
Mirror the texture once in negative coordinates and clamp to edge after that. Unavailable on rectangle textures. |
enum class Magnum:: GL:: SamplerCompareMode: GLenum
Depth texture comparison mode.
Enumerators | |
None |
Directly output the depth value |
CompareRefToTexture |
Use output from specified SamplerCompareFunction |
enum class Magnum:: GL:: SamplerCompareFunction: GLenum
Texture sampler depth comparison function.
Comparison operator used when comparison mode is set to SamplerCompareMode::
Enumerators | |
Never |
Always |
Always |
Always |
Less |
LessOrEqual |
Equal |
NotEqual |
GreaterOrEqual |
Greater |
enum class Magnum:: GL:: SamplerDepthStencilMode: GLenum
Texture sampler depth/stencil mode.
Enumerators | |
DepthComponent |
Sample depth component |
StencilIndex |
Sample stencil index (as unsigned integer texture) |
enum class Magnum:: GL:: TextureFormat: GLenum
Internal texture format.
In most cases you may want to use TextureFormat::
Enumerators | |
Red |
Red component, normalized unsigned, size implementation-dependent. Not allowed in unemulated *Texture:: |
R8 |
Red component, normalized unsigned byte. |
RG |
Red and green component, normalized unsigned, size implementation-dependent. Not allowed in unemulated *Texture:: |
RG8 |
Red and green component, each normalized unsigned byte. |
RGB, normalized unsigned, size implementation-dependent. Not allowed in unemulated *Texture:: |
RGB8 |
RGB, each component normalized unsigned byte. |
RGBA, normalized unsigned, size implementation-dependent. Not allowed in unemulated *Texture:: |
RGBA, each component normalized unsigned byte. |
R8Snorm |
Red component, normalized signed byte. |
RG8Snorm |
Red and green component, each normalized signed byte. |
RGB8Snorm |
RGB, each component normalized signed byte. |
RGBA8Snorm |
RGBA, each component normalized signed byte. |
R16 |
Red component, normalized unsigned short. |
RG16 |
Red and green component, each normalized unsigned short. |
RGB16 |
RGB, each component normalized unsigned short. |
RGBA16 |
RGBA, each component normalized unsigned short. |
R16Snorm |
Red component, normalized signed short. |
RG16Snorm |
Red and green component, each normalized signed short. |
RGB16Snorm |
RGB, each component normalized signed short. |
RGBA16Snorm |
RGBA, each component normalized signed short. |
R8UI |
Red component, non-normalized unsigned byte. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
Red and green component, each non-normalized unsigned byte. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
RGB, each component non-normalized unsigned byte. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
RGBA, each component non-normalized unsigned byte. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
R8I |
Red component, non-normalized signed byte. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
RG8I |
Red and green component, each non-normalized signed byte. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
RGB, each component non-normalized signed byte. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
RGBA, each component non-normalized signed byte. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
R16UI |
Red component, non-normalized unsigned short. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
RG16UI |
Red and green component, each non-normalized unsigned short. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
RGB, each component non-normalized unsigned short. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
RGBA, each component non-normalized unsigned short. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
R16I |
Red component, non-normalized signed short. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
RG16I |
Red and green component, each non-normalized signed short. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
RGB16I |
RGB, each component non-normalized signed short. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
RGBA, each component non-normalized signed short. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
R32UI |
Red component, non-normalized unsigned int. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
RG32UI |
Red and green component, each non-normalized unsigned int. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
RGB, each component non-normalized unsigned int. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
RGBA, each component non-normalized unsigned int. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
R32I |
Red component, non-normalized signed int. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
RG32I |
Red and green component, each non-normalized signed int. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
RGB32I |
RGB, each component non-normalized signed int. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
RGBA, each component non-normalized signed int. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
R16F |
Red component, half float. |
RG16F |
Red and green component, each half float. |
RGB16F |
RGB, each component half float. |
RGBA, each component half float. |
R32F |
Red component, float. |
RG32F |
Red and green component, each float. |
RGB32F |
RGB, each component float. |
RGBA, each component float. |
Luminance |
Luminance, normalized unsigned, single value used for all RGB channels. Size implementation-dependent. Not allowed in unemulated *Texture:: |
LuminanceAlpha |
Floating-point luminance and alpha channel. First value is used for all RGB channels, second value is used for alpha channel. Size implementation-dependent. Not allowed in unemulated *Texture:: |
R3B3G2 |
RGB, normalized unsigned, red and green component 3bit, blue 2bit. |
RGB4 |
RGB, each component normalized unsigned 4bit. |
RGB5 |
RGB, each component normalized unsigned 5bit. |
RGB565 |
RGB, normalized unsigned, red and blue component 5bit, green 6bit. |
RGB10 |
RGB, each component normalized unsigned 10bit. |
RGB12 |
RGB, each component normalized unsigned 12bit. |
R11FG11FB10F |
RGB, float, red and green component 11bit, blue 10bit. |
RGB9E5 |
RGB, unsigned with exponent, each RGB component 9bit, exponent 5bit. |
sRGB, normalized unsigned, size implementation-dependent. Not allowed in unemulated *Texture:: |
sRGB, each component normalized unsigned byte. |
RGBA, normalized unsigned, each component 2bit. |
RGBA, normalized unsigned, each component 4bit. |
RGB5A1 |
RGBA, normalized unsigned, each RGB component 5bit, alpha 1bit. |
RGB10A2 |
RGBA, normalized unsigned, each RGB component 10bit, alpha 2bit. |
RGBA, non-normalized unsigned, each RGB component 10bit, alpha 2bit. Can't be filtered using SamplerFilter:: |
RGBA12 |
RGBA, each component normalized unsigned 12bit. |
SRGBAlpha |
sRGB + linear alpha, normalized unsigned, size implementation-dependent. Not allowed in unemulated *Texture:: |
SRGB8Alpha8 |
sRGB + linear alpha, each component normalized unsigned byte. |
CompressedRed |
Compressed red channel, normalized unsigned. Not available on multisample textures. |
CompressedRG |
Compressed red and green channel, normalized unsigned. Not available on multisample textures. |
CompressedRGB |
Compressed RGB, normalized unsigned. Not available on multisample textures. |
CompressedRGBA |
Compressed RGBA, normalized unsigned. Not available on multisample textures. |
CompressedRedRgtc1 |
RGTC compressed red channel, normalized unsigned. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGRgtc2 |
RGTC compressed red and green channel, normalized unsigned. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedSignedRedRgtc1 |
RGTC compressed red channel, normalized signed. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedSignedRGRgtc2 |
RGTC compressed red and green channel, normalized signed. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGBBptcUnsignedFloat |
BPTC compressed RGB, unsigned float. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGBBptcSignedFloat |
BPTC compressed RGB, signed float. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGBABptcUnorm |
BPTC compressed RGBA, normalized unsigned. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedSRGBAlphaBptcUnorm |
BPTC compressed sRGBA, normalized unsigned. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGB8Etc2 |
ETC2 compressed RGB, normalized unsigned. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedSRGB8Etc2 |
ETC2 compressed sRGB, normalized unsigned. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGB8PunchthroughAlpha1Etc2 |
ETC2 compressed RGB with punchthrough (single-bit) alpha, normalized unsigned. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedSRGB8PunchthroughAlpha1Etc2 |
ETC2 compressed sRGB with punchthrough (single-bit) alpha, normalized unsigned. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGBA8Etc2Eac |
ETC2/EAC compressed RGBA, normalized unsigned. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Etc2Eac |
ETC2/EAC compressed sRGB with alpha, normalized unsigned. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedR11Eac |
EAC compressed red channel, normalized unsigned. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedSignedR11Eac |
EAC compressed red channel, normalized signed. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRG11Eac |
EAC compressed red and green channel, normalized unsigned. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedSignedRG11Eac |
EAC compressed red and green channel, normalized signed. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGBS3tcDxt1 |
S3TC DXT1 compressed RGB. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGBAS3tcDxt1 |
S3TC DXT1 compressed RGBA. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGBAS3tcDxt3 |
S3TC DXT3 compressed RGBA. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGBAS3tcDxt5 |
S3TC DXT5 compressed RGBA. Available only on 2D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGBAAstc4x4 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 4x4 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc4x4 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 4x4 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGBAAstc5x4 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 5x4 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc5x4 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 5x4 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGBAAstc5x5 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 5x5 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc5x5 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 5x5 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGBAAstc6x5 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 6x5 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc6x5 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 6x5 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGBAAstc6x6 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 6x6 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc6x6 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 6x6 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGBAAstc8x5 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 8x5 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc8x5 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 8x5 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGBAAstc8x6 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 8x6 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc8x6 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 8x6 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGBAAstc8x8 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 8x8 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc8x8 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 8x8 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGBAAstc10x5 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 10x5 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc10x5 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 10x5 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGBAAstc10x6 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 10x6 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc10x6 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 10x6 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGBAAstc10x8 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 10x8 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc10x8 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 10x8 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGBAAstc10x10 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 10x10 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc10x10 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 10x10 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGBAAstc12x10 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 12x10 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc12x10 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 12x10 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedRGBAAstc12x12 |
ASTC compressed RGBA with 12x12 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
CompressedSRGB8Alpha8Astc12x12 |
ASTC compressed sRGB with alpha with 12x12 blocks. Available only on 2D, 3D, 2D array, cube map and cube map array textures. |
DepthComponent |
Depth component, size implementation-dependent. Not supported in 3D textures. Not allowed in unemulated *Texture:: |
DepthComponent16 |
Depth component, 16bit. Not supported in 3D textures. |
DepthComponent24 |
Depth component, 24bit. Not supported in 3D textures. |
DepthComponent32 |
Depth component, 32bit. Not supported in 3D textures. |
DepthComponent32F |
Depth component, 32bit float. Not supported in 3D textures. |
StencilIndex8 |
Stencil index, 8bit. Not supported in 3D textures. |
DepthStencil |
Depth and stencil component, size implementation-dependent. Not supported in 3D textures. Not allowed in unemulated *Texture:: |
Depth24Stencil8 |
24bit depth and 8bit stencil component. Not supported in 3D textures. |
Depth32FStencil8 |
32bit float depth component and 8bit stencil component. Not supported in 3D textures. |
enum class Magnum:: GL:: Version: Int
OpenGL version.
Enumerators | |
None |
Unspecified |
GL210 |
OpenGL 2.1 / GLSL 1.20 |
GL300 |
OpenGL 3.0 / GLSL 1.30 |
GL310 |
OpenGL 3.1 / GLSL 1.40 |
GL320 |
OpenGL 3.2 / GLSL 1.50 |
GL330 |
OpenGL 3.3, GLSL 3.30 |
GL400 |
OpenGL 4.0, GLSL 4.00 |
GL410 |
OpenGL 4.1, GLSL 4.10 |
GL420 |
OpenGL 4.2, GLSL 4.20 |
GL430 |
OpenGL 4.3, GLSL 4.30 |
GL440 |
OpenGL 4.4, GLSL 4.40 |
GL450 |
OpenGL 4.5, GLSL 4.50 |
GL460 |
OpenGL 4.6, GLSL 4.60 |
GLES200 |
OpenGL ES 2.0 or WebGL 1.0, GLSL ES 1.00. On desktop OpenGL, all related functionality is present in extension ARB_ |
GLES300 |
OpenGL ES 3.0 or WebGL 2.0, GLSL ES 3.00. On desktop OpenGL, all related functionality is present in extension ARB_ |
GLES310 |
OpenGL ES 3.1, GLSL ES 3.10. On desktop OpenGL, all related functionality is present in extension ARB_ |
GLES320 |
OpenGL ES 3.2, GLSL ES 3.20. On desktop OpenGL, all related functionality is present in extension ARB_ |
Typedef documentation
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<FramebufferClear> Magnum:: GL:: FramebufferClearMask
Mask for clearing.
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<FramebufferBlit> Magnum:: GL:: FramebufferBlitMask
Mask for framebuffer blitting.
typedef Containers:: EnumSet<ObjectFlag> Magnum:: GL:: ObjectFlags
Object wrapping flags.
typedef MultisampleTexture<2> Magnum:: GL:: MultisampleTexture2D
Two-dimensional multisample texture.
typedef MultisampleTexture<3> Magnum:: GL:: MultisampleTexture2DArray
Two-dimensional multisample texture array.
typedef TextureArray<1> Magnum:: GL:: Texture1DArray
One-dimensional texture array.
typedef TextureArray<2> Magnum:: GL:: Texture2DArray
Two-dimensional texture array.
Function documentation
template<class T>
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
Debug output operator.
template<class T>
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
Buffer:: TargetHint value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
Buffer:: Target value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
Context:: Flag value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
Context:: Flags value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
Context:: DetectedDriver value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
Context:: DetectedDrivers value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
DebugOutput:: Source value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
DebugOutput:: Type value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
DebugOutput:: Severity value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
DebugMessage:: Source value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
DebugMessage:: Type value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
DebugGroup:: Source value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
DefaultFramebuffer:: Status value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
Framebuffer:: Status value)
Debug output operator.
MeshPrimitive Magnum:: GL:: meshPrimitive(Magnum:: MeshPrimitive)
Convert generic mesh primitive to OpenGL mesh primitive.
MeshIndexType Magnum:: GL:: meshIndexType(Magnum:: MeshIndexType)
Convert generic mesh index type to OpenGL mesh index type.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
MeshPrimitive value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
MeshIndexType value)
Debug output operator.
bool Magnum:: GL:: hasPixelFormat(Magnum:: PixelFormat format)
Check availability of a generic pixel format.
Some OpenGL targets don't support all generic pixel formats (for example WebGL 1.0 and OpenGL ES 2.0 don't support most of single- and two-component or integer formats). Returns false
if current target can't support such format, true
otherwise. Moreover, returns true
also for all formats that are isPixelFormatImplementationSpecific(). The format
value is expected to be valid.
PixelFormat Magnum:: GL:: pixelFormat(Magnum:: PixelFormat format)
Convert a generic pixel format to OpenGL pixel format.
In case isPixelFormatImplementationSpecific() returns false
for format
, maps it to a corresponding OpenGL pixel format. In case isPixelFormatImplementationSpecific() returns true
, assumes format
stores OpenGL-specific pixel format and returns pixelFormatUnwrap() cast to GL::
Not all generic pixel formats may be available on all targets and this function expects that given format is available on the target. Use hasPixelFormat() to query availability of given format.
PixelType Magnum:: GL:: pixelType(Magnum:: PixelFormat format,
UnsignedInt extra = 0)
Convert a generic pixel type to OpenGL pixel type.
In case isPixelFormatImplementationSpecific() returns false
for format
, maps it to a corresponding OpenGL pixel type. In case isPixelFormatImplementationSpecific() returns true
, assumes extra
stores OpenGL-specific pixel type and returns it cast to GL::
Not all generic pixel formats may be available on all targets and this function expects that given format is available on the target. Use hasPixelFormat() to query availability of given format.
UnsignedInt Magnum:: GL:: pixelSize(PixelFormat format,
PixelType type)
Pixel size for given format/type combination (in bytes)
UnsignedInt Magnum:: GL:: pixelSize(Magnum:: PixelFormat format,
PixelType type)
Pixel size for given format/type combination (in bytes)
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
PixelFormat value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
PixelType value)
Debug output operator.
bool Magnum:: GL:: hasCompressedPixelFormat(Magnum:: CompressedPixelFormat format)
Check availability of generic compressed pixel format.
Some OpenGL targets don't support all generic pixel formats (for example ASTC compression might not be available on WebGL 1.0). Returns false
if current target can't support such format, true
otherwise. Moreover, returns true
also for all formats that are isCompressedPixelFormatImplementationSpecific().The format
value is expected to be valid.
CompressedPixelFormat Magnum:: GL:: compressedPixelFormat(Magnum:: CompressedPixelFormat format)
Convert generic compressed pixel format to OpenGL compressed pixel format.
In case isCompressedPixelFormatImplementationSpecific() returns false
for format
, maps it to a corresponding OpenGL pixel format. In case isCompressedPixelFormatImplementationSpecific() returns true
, assumes format
stores OpenGL-specific pixel format and returns compressedPixelFormatUnwrap() cast to GL::
Not all generic pixel formats may be available on all targets and this function expects that given format is available on the target. Use hasCompressedPixelFormat() to query availability of given format.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
CompressedPixelFormat value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
Renderer:: Error value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
Renderer:: ResetNotificationStrategy value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
Renderer:: GraphicsResetStatus value)
Debug output operator.
SamplerFilter Magnum:: GL:: samplerFilter(Magnum:: SamplerFilter filter)
Convert generic texture sampler filter mode to OpenGL filter mode.
SamplerMipmap Magnum:: GL:: samplerMipmap(Magnum:: SamplerMipmap mipmap)
Convert generic sampler filter mode to OpenGL filter mode.
bool Magnum:: GL:: hasSamplerWrapping(Magnum:: SamplerWrapping wrappomg)
Check availability of a generic sampler wrapping mode.
Some OpenGL targets don't support all generic sampler wrapping modes (for example the SamplerWrapping::false
if current target can't support such format, true
otherwise. The filter
value is expected to be valid.
SamplerWrapping Magnum:: GL:: samplerWrapping(Magnum:: SamplerWrapping wrapping)
Convert generic sampler filter mode to OpenGL filter mode.
Not all generic sampler wrapping modes may be available on all targets and this function expects that given format is available on the target. Use hasSamplerWrapping() to query availability of given mode.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
SamplerFilter value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
SamplerMipmap value)
Debug output operator.
template<UnsignedInt dimensions>
Array<dimensions, SamplerWrapping> Magnum:: GL:: samplerWrapping(const Array<dimensions, Magnum:: SamplerWrapping>& wrapping)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
SamplerWrapping value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
SamplerCompareMode value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
SamplerCompareFunction value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
SamplerDepthStencilMode value)
Debug output operator.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
Shader:: Type value)
Debug output operator.
bool Magnum:: GL:: isVersionES(Version version) constexpr
Whether given version is OpenGL ES or WebGL.
Whether given version is OpenGL ES or WebGL.
Always true
on OpenGL ES and WebGL build.
Debug& Magnum:: GL:: operator<<(Debug& debug,
Version value)
Debug output operator.