Magnum::OvrIntegration::InputState class

Input state.

Describes the complete controller input state, including Oculus Touch and XBox gamepad. If multiple inputs are connected and used at the same time, their inputs are combined.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

InputState(const ovrInputState& state)
Constructor with initial ovrInputState

Public functions

auto buttons() const -> Buttons
Values for buttons described by ovrButton
auto touches() const -> Touches
Touch values for buttons and sensors as described by ovrTouch
auto indexTrigger(UnsignedInt hand) const -> Float
Left and right finger trigger values.
auto handTrigger(UnsignedInt hand) const -> Float
Left and right hand trigger values.
auto thumbstick(UnsignedInt hand) const -> Vector2
Horizontal and vertical thumbstick axis values.
auto time() const -> Double
System time when the controller state was last updated (in seconds)
auto controllerType() const -> ControllerType
The type of the controller this state is for.
auto ovrInputState() -> ::ovrInputState&
The underlying ovrInputState

Function documentation



Default initializes underlying ovrInputState.

Magnum::OvrIntegration::InputState::InputState(const ovrInputState& state)

Constructor with initial ovrInputState

Initializes underlying ovrInputState with given state.

Float Magnum::OvrIntegration::InputState::indexTrigger(UnsignedInt hand) const

Left and right finger trigger values.

In the range $ [0.0f; 1.0f] $

Float Magnum::OvrIntegration::InputState::handTrigger(UnsignedInt hand) const

Left and right hand trigger values.

In the range $ [0.0f; 1.0f] $

Vector2 Magnum::OvrIntegration::InputState::thumbstick(UnsignedInt hand) const

Horizontal and vertical thumbstick axis values.

In the range $ [-1.0f; 1.0f] $